How High Does Block M1 Rise After a Magnetic Repulsion Collision?

  • Thread starter physixnot4me
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In summary, a block of mass m1=5.00kg is released from A. Protruding from its front end is the north pole of a strong magnet, repelling the north pole of an identical magnet embedded in the back end of the block of mass m2=10.0kg, initially at rest. The two blocks never touch. The block of mass M1 rises to a maximum height of 1.50m after the collision.
  • #1
(3) two blocks are free to slide along the frictionless wooden track. a block of mass m1=5.00kg is released from A. Protruding from its front end is the north pole of a strong magnet, repelling the north pole of an identical magnet embedded in the back end of the block of mass m2=10.0kg, initially at rest. the two blocks never touch. Calculate the maximum height to which m1 rises after the elastic collision.

Do you use conservation of kinetic energy and momentum to figure out the final velocity of the block M1 after the collision. Then let all that kinetic energy be converted to gravitational potential energy to determine how high it rises?

So GPE = KE , mgh= 1/2mv^2
if (5)(9.81)(5) = 1/2 (10)v^2
u find initial velocity?...

do u sub that into

vfinal = (m1-m2)/(m1 + m2) *vinitial?

to find vfinal...?

and then sub that back into...

mgh = 1/2 mv^2

to solve for h=1/2mv^2/mg?

OR iS THis completely wrong? somebody let me know if I am on the right track.. or where i veered off the track...


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  • #2
I think you did something wrong there. In your conservation of momentum part, you seem to have ignored completely the velocity of the 2nd mass that was stationary (m2) after the collision. So I'm not sure how you got vfinal.

Let's do this systematically.

1. m1 sliding down. This part is OK. So using the conservation of energy, you have v_i = 2gh.

2. So now m1 will hit m2 with an initial velocity of v_i. After impact, both m1 and m2 will move. So use conservation of momentum, i.e.

m1*v_i = m1*v_f + m2*v2

Notice you have 1 equation but 2 unknowns, v_f and v2.

3. But notice that this is an elastic collision. There's only magnetic interactions and no energy in the mechanics is converted into other means, so you have another equation to describe the collision, the conservation of KE, i.e.

1/2 m1*v_i^2 = ... etc. (you should know how to write this).

4. Using (2) and (3), you now have 2 equations and 2 unknowns. You should be able to solve for v_f.

5. Using v_f, you know the KE of m1 as it goes back climbing that slope. Again use conservation of energy to find out the height it will get.

And interesting side question would be to find the value of m2 in which m1 will no longer bounce back, i.e. after collision, m1 and m2 will move in the same direction.

  • #3
What i seem to get was the same thing as you...but i got a little confused with your writing so hopefully we are saying the same thing:
so yes,
v1f (final velocity of mass 1) = [(m1-m2)/(m1+m2)]*v1i
then to find the max height,
m1ghmax = (1/2)m1v1f^2
so, you can see that m1 cancels. therefore, you're left with
hmax = v1f^2/(2g)
hopefully that made some sense.
good luck!

FAQ: How High Does Block M1 Rise After a Magnetic Repulsion Collision?

1. What is momentum in physics?

Momentum is a physical quantity that describes the motion of an object. It is the product of an object's mass and velocity, and is a measure of how much force is needed to change the object's motion.

2. How is momentum conserved in a collision?

In a collision between two objects, the total momentum of the system is conserved. This means that the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. This is known as the law of conservation of momentum.

3. What is the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions?

Elastic collisions are those in which the total kinetic energy of the objects involved is conserved. Inelastic collisions, on the other hand, are those in which some kinetic energy is lost in the form of heat or sound. In both types of collisions, momentum is conserved.

4. How do you calculate the momentum of an object?

The momentum of an object can be calculated by multiplying its mass by its velocity. Mathematically, momentum = mass x velocity. The unit of momentum is kilogram-meters per second (kg*m/s).

5. How does momentum relate to Newton's laws of motion?

Momentum is closely related to Newton's laws of motion, specifically the second law which states that the net force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum. This means that the greater the force acting on an object, the more its momentum will change.
