What is Primes: Definition and 297 Discussions

A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime because the only ways of writing it as a product, 1 × 5 or 5 × 1, involve 5 itself.
However, 4 is composite because it is a product (2 × 2) in which both numbers are smaller than 4. Primes are central in number theory because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic: every natural number greater than 1 is either a prime itself or can be factorized as a product of primes that is unique up to their order.
The property of being prime is called primality. A simple but slow method of checking the primality of a given number


{\displaystyle n}
, called trial division, tests whether


{\displaystyle n}
is a multiple of any integer between 2 and


{\displaystyle {\sqrt {n}}}
. Faster algorithms include the Miller–Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small chance of error, and the AKS primality test, which always produces the correct answer in polynomial time but is too slow to be practical. Particularly fast methods are available for numbers of special forms, such as Mersenne numbers. As of December 2018 the largest known prime number is a Mersenne prime with 24,862,048 decimal digits.There are infinitely many primes, as demonstrated by Euclid around 300 BC. No known simple formula separates prime numbers from composite numbers. However, the distribution of primes within the natural numbers in the large can be statistically modelled. The first result in that direction is the prime number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability of a randomly chosen number being prime is inversely proportional to its number of digits, that is, to its logarithm.
Several historical questions regarding prime numbers are still unsolved. These include Goldbach's conjecture, that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes, and the twin prime conjecture, that there are infinitely many pairs of primes having just one even number between them. Such questions spurred the development of various branches of number theory, focusing on analytic or algebraic aspects of numbers. Primes are used in several routines in information technology, such as public-key cryptography, which relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors. In abstract algebra, objects that behave in a generalized way like prime numbers include prime elements and prime ideals.

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  1. Loren Booda

    Density of primes between square numbers

    Is the density of primes considerably greater nearer the geometric average of two consecutive square numbers? [Think of deconstructing a square of integral area n2 into composite rectangles of diverging (n-1)(n+1), (n-2)(n+2), (n-3)(n+3)... .] This reasoning may work to a lesser yet...
  2. Z

    Conjecture on primes (not mine=)

    i saw this conjecture on the web but do not know if is true the number of primes between the expressions x^2 and (x+1)^2 for every x or at least for x bigger than 100 is equal to the Number of primes less than 2x+1 (the x are the same)
  3. S

    Unknown primes less than largest known prime?

    The largest known primes for some time have all been Mersenne primes. Can it be shown either that there may exist or cannot exist unknown primes less than the largest known prime?
  4. A

    Question about primes and divisibility abstract algebra/number theory

    Can someone please tell me how to go about answering a question like this? I've been racking my brain for a long time and still don't have a clue...I guess because my background in algebra/number theory really isn't that strong. "What is the greatest integer that divides p^4 - 1 for every...
  5. C

    Sum of Distinct Primes: Fact or Fiction?

    i observed that every composite no. with exception of 4 and 6 can be expressed as sum of distinct prime no.s. eg: 200=103+97 100=53+47 25=13+7+5 is this true? is there any theorem stating as such?
  6. F

    Proving (n-1)|(n^k - 1) and the Primality of n^k - 1 when n=2 and k is Prime

    Homework Statement Let n and k be integers with n>=2 and k>=2. Prove that (n-1)|(n^k - 1). Hence prove that if n^k - 1 is prime then n=2 and k is prime. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think you go about this question by using proof by induction. However I am...
  7. W

    Exploring Prime Number Density in Integers: Is There a Uniform Distribution?

    Before I went to bed I had an idea about integers. Is there such thing as a prime number density? I just listed 1 through 50 and found that primes aren't uniformly distributed(that I noticed). Now by typical density definition the density should be the number of primes as a function of some...
  8. D

    Factors of product of n distinct primes

    What will be the numbers of positive factors of product of n distinct prime numbers? i was able to get 2^n. pls how do i prove this?
  9. P

    How can we use Euclid's proof to find infinitely many primes?

    In What is Mathematics, the author gives Euclid's proof that there are infinitely many primes by assuming there aren't infinitely many, and taking all the primes, multiplying them together (P1*P2...*Pn), and then adding 1 - showing that this is larger than the largest prime, but not divisible by...
  10. G

    Are prime numbers truly unpredictable?

    Are primes just "random"? What are the indications that primes follow some patterns and that maybe some day someone will find algorithmically simple rules for prime properties? I was thinking that maybe one merely can prove that prime numbers exist, but they represent some highly complex...
  11. M

    Can X be its own inverse in a residue system?

    Hi all, Supppose that n > 0 and 0 < x < n are integers and x is relatively prime to n, show that there is an integer y with the property: x*y is congruent to 1 (mod n) I have attempted the following, I am not sure if I am on the right track: 1 = xy + qn which implies 1 - xy = qn n|(1-xy)...
  12. F

    Number Theory - divisibility and primes

    Homework Statement Prove that any integer n >= 2 such that n divides (n-1)! + 1 is prime. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm having trouble getting started, I have no idea how to approach this, can someone give a hint on where to begin maybe because I'm just not...
  13. S

    Counting Triple Primes - How Many Are There?

    Homework Statement Here's the problem. We define the triple primes as triples of natural numbers (n,n+2,n+4) for which all three entries are prime. How many triple primes are there? (Hint:mod 3.) (By way of contrast, it is not yet known whether the twin primes-that is, pairs (n,n+2) with both...
  14. Loren Booda

    An arithmetic series of primes

    List all of the possible sums of prime number pairs with each element taken once. For instance: 2+3=5, 2+5=7, 3+5=8, 2+7=9, 3+7=10, 5+7=12, 5+11=16, 5+13=18 . . . Can you find significance in this progression? Have you seen this sequence before?
  15. N

    Are there any other twin primes with this property?

    The twin primes 5 and 7 are such that one half their sum is a perfect number. Are there any other twin primes with this property? It works for p=5. I think it should be of the form 1/2*(p+P+2). Is this true? How can I prove it? Thx
  16. A

    Division, Primes, Divisors & Powers: Solve Them All!

    1) Find the remainder of the division of 15! with 17 2) If (n^2)+2 prime show that 3 divides n 3)If p the smallest divisor for n show that there exist integers a and b such that an+b(p-1)=1 4) For every n>1 show that n does not divide (2^n)-1 Any help?
  17. C

    Are There Really TWO New Mersenne Primes Bigger Than 10M Digits?

    Amazing, but it seems true: http://mersenne.org/ is currently reporting the discoveries of the 45th and 46th known presumptive Mersenne primes.
  18. P

    Proving Artinian of Commutative Noetherian Rings with Maximal Primes

    prove that a commutative noetherian ring in which all primes are maximal is artinian.
  19. F

    Proving Multiplicative Group of Positive Rationals Generated by Primes

    From "The Theory of Groups" by Rotman 2.5. Prove that the multiplicative group of positive rationals is generated by all rationals of the form: \frac{1}{p}, where p is prime. ... um... no it's not. Right? How can I prove this when I don't even think it is true? I mean, for example take...
  20. P

    Sum of Primes < n Formula - Pseudot's Research

    Hi, I have been searching the web for this subject to see if the formula I stumbled on is out there. This site came up often, so I registered. Working with tables of the known primes < n and sum of primes < n SumP(n), I was able to determine that SumP(n) ~ Pi(n^2). See...
  21. H

    How many ways we can represent 50 as the sum of two primes?

    in how many ways we can represent 50! as the sum of two primes?
  22. Z

    Why not randomness for primes' distribution?

    Isn't perfect randomness an unattainable ideal? So wouldn't some sort of pattern to distribution of prime numbers (i.e. other than randomness) seem to be expected? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_numbers" with attention to Open Questions section.
  23. S

    Are All Primes Known Up to the Largest Ones?

    Absolutely enormous primes are known these days. It is not possible that all primes are known up to the largest ones one sees mentioned. So how far up is EVERY prime known?
  24. M

    Infinitely Many Primes: Proofs & Homological Algebra

    Hi all, I am for some reason interested in creative or weird proofs of the fact that there are infinitely many prime numbers. I have started writing down all of the proofs that seemed sufficiently different in the following file: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~ssam/primes.pdf If you know...
  25. V

    Germain Primes and the Homogenous Integer Function Q(x,y)

    Reference: [PLAIN]www.mathpages.com/home367.htm[/URL] On page 2 of reference the formula is given (x+y)^p - x^p - y^p = pxy(x=y)Q(x,y) where Q(x,y) is a homogenous integer function of degree p-3. If we insert a number of different value of p into the equation, it appears that Q(x,y) =...
  26. D

    Twin Primes and Brun's Constant

    If one could show that Brun's constant is irrational, would that imply that there are an infinite number of primes? I think it would since Brun's constant is the sum of a bunch of fractions, and the sum of a finite number of fractions must be rational. Thus is the sum is irrational there must...
  27. G

    What is the Distribution of Primes in Relation to Important Numbers?

    I made this simple program to list all non-primes (ignore the first row and column of the output) and list what I call "important numbers". I have attached an output if you don't want to bother running and compiling the program. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std...
  28. S

    MATLAB Finding Primes using Algorithm in MATLAB

    Hi all, i understand the following however i don't know how to put this on matlab. any help or hints will be very appreciated. The following algorithm enables us to identify the prime number up to a given integer N, by eliminating all non-primes in that interval. It starts from a lower end...
  29. O

    Product of the first n primes and add 1

    I was discussing something with my friends today. If you take the product of the first n primes and add 1 will this give you a prime number? For instance: 2*3 +1 = 7 ------> prime 2*3*5 +1 = 31 -------> prime 2*3*5*7 + 1 = 2311 ------> prime Can anybody find if/where this breaks...
  30. L

    Are all (q) prime ideals in Z(\rho)?

    This is the last question in Elements of Abstract Algebra by Allan Clark. When is (q) a prime ideal in Z(\rho) (the Kummer ring) where \rho = e^{2\pi i /p}, where p and q are rational primes. This seems to be a difficult question to answer in general... since considerable effort goes into...
  31. M

    Proving Infinitely Many Primes p=3 mod 4

    hello guys . question here how can i prove that there exists infinitely many primes p such that p = 3 mod 4. i have a little inkling as i know that if a,b=1 mod 4 then ab = 1 mod 4. I am guessing it would be along the lines of euclids theorem?
  32. M

    What are the solutions for triple primes with specific divisibility criteria?

    Find all triples of primes (p,q,r), that pq+qr+rp and p^3+q^3+r^3−2pqr are divisible by p+q+r. I really don't know how to start, (of course I've been trying)
  33. B

    Which three elements are in the proper subgroup H?

    Homework Statement Let p and q be distinct primes. Suppose that H is proper subset of the integers nd H is grou under addition that contains exactly three elements of the set {p,p+q,pq, p^q, q^p}. Determine which of the following are the three elements in H: a) pq, p^q, q^p b)p+q, pq,q^p...
  34. K

    A conjecture on Cesaro summation and primes.

    After studying Cesaro and Borel summation i think that sum \sum_{p} p^{k} extended over all primes is summable Cesaro C(n,k+1+\epsilon) and the series \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} M(n) and \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \Psi (n)-n are Cesaro-summable C(n,3/2+\epsilon) for any positive epsilon...
  35. K

    The sum over primes involving powers of 10

    recently i saw on a book (Apostol Analytic Number theory if i am not wrong) the prime calculating expression \sum_{p} 10^{-p}=S where the sum was extended to all the prime numbers, if i am right S=0.2003000500007.... so knowing the value of 'S' you could get the primes, hence here...
  36. S

    Is the Set of Prime Numbers a Pattern or Something Else?

    Is the set (or should I say, "sequence"?) of prime numbers a legitimate PATTERN or something else?
  37. Gib Z

    Finding the Optimal Product of Primes for Sum of 100

    Hey guys I really need some help as fast as you can give it to me. Basically I want to find a selection of 7 of the following numbers, which are primes. These selections have to add up to 100 exactly, and I know that there are 35 combinations. 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41...
  38. G

    The connection with zeros and primes?

    hi y'all after lurking a lot on this forum and searching for the answer I've got something to ask, if you get that all the non trivial zeros do lie on 1/2+ib then what? I've read a book on the riemann hypothesis but i really don't get the link between the zeros of zeta(s) and the prime counting...
  39. D

    Erdos' Series & Prime Number Theorem Implications

    Erdos noticed that \sum(-1)^n\frac{n\log n}{p_n} diverges, where pn is the nth prime. I can't prove this conclusively. All I can say is that PNT implies that p_n~nlogn and thus the series "resembles" \sum(-1)^n.
  40. T

    Weierstrass theorems and primes.

    Does 'Weirstrass theorem' allow the existence of an entire function so: f(z)= g(z) \prod _p(1- \frac{x}{p^{k}}) so for every prime p then f(p)=0 , and k>1 and integer?? the main question is to see if a function can have all the primes as its real roots
  41. D

    Sequence of ratios of primes and integers

    I am fairly certain that \frac{n}{p_n} is not monotone for any n, but I can't give a proof of it without assuming something at least as strong as the twin prime conjecture. I was wondering if anyone has some advice to prove this using known methods?
  42. D

    Prove that the series SUM (-1)^n n/p_n converges where p_n are primes

    Homework Statement Prove that \sum(-1)^n\frac{n}{p_n} converges, where p_n is the nth prime. Homework Equations The sequence \frac{n}{p_n} is definitely not monotone if there exists infinitely many twin primes, since 2n-p_n<0 for sufficiently large n, so alternating series test is out. Are...
  43. mattmns

    Number Theory: Fermat Numbers coprime => infinite # primes

    Here is the question from our book: ------ Let F_n = 2^{2^n} + 1 be the nth Fermat numbers. Use the identity a^2-b^2 = (a-b)(a+b) to show that F_n - 2 = F_0F_1\cdots F_{n-1}. Conclude that (F_n,F_m)=1 \ \forall \ n \neq m. Show that this implies the infinitude of the primes. ------- The...
  44. P

    Hints that a dynamical system may lie behind the distribution of primes

    http://secamlocal.ex.ac.uk/~mwatkins/zeta/NTfourier.htm" This is along the lines of what I have suspected about the primes that there is something there that is far deeper and has a real impact on both math in general and physical reality.
  45. L

    Why are primes important in mathematics?

    Question about "primes"... Hello..i've got a question that will seem "strange" or perhaps trivial...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: why are primes so important in Number theory or in maths?..there're many primality tests but my question is ..do real primes have any importance in real life?...:frown: in...
  46. D

    Lim sup of difference of primes

    Although Andrica's conjecture is still unsolved, I'm told that it is possible to prove that \lim\sup_{n\rightarrow\infty}\sqrt{p_{n+1}}-\sqrt{p_n}=1. Does anyone know how or can point me to a source?
  47. E

    Can primes be approximated by an integral in series calculations?

    Sorry i don't know if this thread should be or in the "Number theory" forum, in fact if you want to calculate the series over all primes: \sum_{p} f(x) this can be very confusing as you don't know the "density" of primes my question is if we can approximate such series by the integral...
  48. C

    Finding small primes (fast determanistic tests)

    I'm looking for an algorithm or three to use in testing for prime numbers. I'm most concerned about those representable as ints or longs (that is, less than 2^63). In that range, what tests are efficient? At the moment, I'm using a combination of: * The naive division algorithm with a...
  49. D

    Sums of Reciprocals of Infinite Subsets of Primes

    Can someone confirm/disprove the following: If X\subset\mathbb{P} is infinite, then \sum_{n\in X}\frac{1}{n} diverges or is irrational.
  50. E

    Exploring the Distribution of Primes and a Generalized Function for f(n)

    Define the following funtion f(n) = the finite product of sin(pi*C/n) from n = 2 to n, where C is any integer >= 2. As it turns out, for each integer C, the product terminates to zero at n the smallest prime factor of C. For example, suppose you consider C = 3 f(2) = sin(pi*3/2) = 1...