Are Lawyers Really the Scum of Society?

In summary, the conversation discusses the negative perception of lawyers and the impact they have on modern society. The speaker shares their own perspective, stating that lawyers are a step up from violence in the past. They also mention a funny joke about lawyers from The Simpsons. The speaker concludes by expressing their personal experience with lawyers and dispelling the myth that all lawyers are wealthy.
  • #1
I have chosen to go the route of the law via philosophy major. Any strong convictions about lawyers and the state of modern society because of their impact.?

To many, Lawyers are the scum of the earth. They lie they cheat and they steal their way to nice italian shoes.

But to me, Lawyers are a step up from the violence that came about in the past. When neighbors had a dispute 100-5,000 years ago, they killed each other.
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  • #2
The Simpsons made a funny joke on the impact of lawyers once.
Lawyer Lionel Hutz: "Can you image a world without lawyers?" He then pictures a huge circle of people of different races, religions and colours dancing around a hill on a sunny day, after which he shudders in disgust.

Seriously though, I have nothing against lawyers :approve: (except the lazy defence lawyers who don't give a **** about their client's fate :rolleyes: )
  • #3
I have a few good friends who are lawyers. Yeah, there are hacks, just like in any field, but you don't really have to check your morals at the door to become a lawyer. The one thing that a lot of people don't realize going into law school...most lawyers AREN'T filthy rich. Only those who work in some of the top firms and in certain areas of practice really rake in the dough. So, if like many, you're motivated by the idea of making a huge salary when you're done, consider that you probably won't unless you really can distinguish yourself among the very best. Like anything, don't let that be your main motivator or you'll be disappointed.

Related to Are Lawyers Really the Scum of Society?

1. What is the relationship between lawyers and philosophy?

The relationship between lawyers and philosophy is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, philosophy can provide a strong theoretical foundation for understanding the principles and concepts of law. Many legal theories and arguments have roots in philosophical ideas and debates. On the other hand, lawyers also rely on practical reasoning and ethical considerations in their daily work, which are closely related to philosophical inquiries about justice, morality, and the nature of law.

2. How does studying philosophy benefit lawyers?

Studying philosophy can benefit lawyers in several ways. It can enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills, which are crucial for understanding complex legal issues and crafting persuasive arguments. Philosophy also encourages lawyers to consider the underlying principles and values that shape the law, leading to a deeper understanding of legal concepts and their implications. Moreover, studying philosophy can help lawyers develop a more nuanced and empathetic perspective, which is essential for building strong relationships with clients and navigating ethical dilemmas.

3. Can philosophy help lawyers navigate ethical issues?

Yes, philosophy can be a valuable tool for lawyers in navigating ethical issues. Many philosophical theories and frameworks offer guidance on how to make moral decisions, such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. By engaging with these theories, lawyers can develop a better understanding of their own ethical values and principles and apply them to ethical dilemmas in their practice. Additionally, philosophy encourages reflection and critical thinking, which can help lawyers identify and address potential ethical issues before they arise.

4. Is there a philosophical basis for the legal system?

Yes, there is a strong philosophical basis for the legal system. Many legal theories, such as natural law and legal positivism, are rooted in philosophical ideas about the nature of law and its relationship to morality. Furthermore, the principles of justice and fairness that underpin the legal system have been extensively explored and debated in philosophy. However, it is worth noting that the legal system is also shaped by social, cultural, and historical factors, and it is not solely based on philosophy.

5. How can lawyers use philosophy in their practice?

Lawyers can use philosophy in their practice in various ways. They can draw on philosophical theories and concepts to develop arguments and strategies in their cases. For example, a lawyer representing a client in a criminal trial may use retributive justice theory to argue for a harsher or more lenient sentence. Additionally, lawyers can use philosophical reasoning to identify and address ethical issues in their practice. They can also apply philosophical methods, such as critical thinking and logic, to analyze legal issues and make sound legal arguments. Finally, some lawyers may choose to incorporate philosophical concepts into their approach to client counseling and dispute resolution.

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