Austin hipsters vs. Portland hipsters

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  • Thread starter nsaspook
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In summary, Public Policy Polling found that hipsters are no longer cool with the majority of Americans. While Portland and Austin are still popular choices for hipsters to relocate to, the survey also found that these cities are much more temperate than Austin.
  • #1
Science Advisor

It’s time to pack up your Pabst Blue Ribbon and skinny jeans, hipsters—it looks like you’ve finally worn out your welcome. That is if a new poll is to be believed. According to a recent survey conducted by Public Policy Polling, a mere 16 percent of Americans still think hipsters are cool. The rest are so over them. But before you start sobbing softly into your thrift store scarf and burning your Bon Iver albums, you might want to consider relocating to Portland, OR or Austin, TX, two of the last bastions of hipster-kind. (You certainly don’t want to move anywhere on this list.)

By losing to Portland, Austin gained 100 points in the cool place to live dept.

Dive Bars

Hipsters love them some PBR (or Pabst Blue Ribbon for the uncool), and there’s no place more likely to have this vaguely beer-like liquid on tap than a dive bar. So, we check into how many of these favorite hipster hangouts there are in each city per capita. Austin has one for every 4,832 residents while Portland has one for every 1,768.

Advantage: Portland
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  • #2
People used to think hipsters were cool? I guess you do learn something every day!
  • #3
Finally the bandwagon hoppers will jump off.
  • #5

"That’s right, hipster Santa is here again, in all his tattooed glory."
  • #6
russ_watters said:
People used to think hipsters were cool? I guess you do learn something every day!

Almost, hipsters thought they were cool. Us truly cool people know the difference.
  • #7
nsaspook said:
"That’s right, hipster Santa is here again, in all his tattooed glory."
Why in the world would Santa have the decapitated head of a reindeer on his wall, especially one with a red nose?
Santa, explain what you did with Rudolf?
  • #9
BillTre said:
There is a lot of fun stuff about hipsters and their evolution.
But not a lot of analysis about how it might be adaptive in our culture.

On the other hand, there is this.

Perhaps the greatest "Hipster Doofus" of all time :biggrin:

And then again

And again :woot:
  • #10
Austin is too hot most of the year to be cool.

Related to Austin hipsters vs. Portland hipsters

1. What is the main difference between Austin hipsters and Portland hipsters?

The main difference between Austin hipsters and Portland hipsters is their geographic location. Austin hipsters are located in Texas, while Portland hipsters are located in Oregon. This difference in location also influences their overall style and culture.

2. Are Austin hipsters more laid-back compared to Portland hipsters?

It is difficult to say whether Austin hipsters are more laid-back than Portland hipsters. Both cities have a laid-back and alternative culture, so it ultimately depends on the individual hipster and their personal preferences.

3. Which city has a stronger hipster scene: Austin or Portland?

Both Austin and Portland have strong hipster scenes and it is difficult to determine which one is stronger. Austin is known for its live music scene and unique food options, while Portland is known for its craft beer and coffee culture. Both cities attract a large number of young, creative individuals.

4. Do Austin and Portland hipsters have similar fashion styles?

Austin and Portland hipsters do share some similar fashion styles, such as vintage and thrift store clothing, and an emphasis on individuality and self-expression. However, there may be slight differences in their overall fashion preferences due to the influence of their respective cities.

5. Is there a rivalry between Austin and Portland hipsters?

There is no official rivalry between Austin and Portland hipsters. However, there may be some friendly competition between the two cities as they both strive to be known as the ultimate hipster destination. Ultimately, the two communities are more likely to bond over their shared interests and values rather than compete with each other.
