Cryptographically secure code obfuscation

  • Thread starter mXSCNT
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In summary, a cryptographically secure code obfuscator would be a function that takes a program as input and outputs a program that is slower than the original, but is still computable. The idea is that it should be computationally hard to improve the performance of the slower program, given only the slower program and not the original. The idea is that this can be expressed mathematically by saying that there should not exist an easy-to-compute optimization function that makes Q faster than the original. Calculating this function should be possible in polynomial time, but proving that this actually happens in practice may be difficult.
  • #1
I got to thinking about code obfuscation. Current code obfuscators use ad hoc techniques like symbol renaming. But is it possible to have a cryptographically secure code obfuscator that outputs programs that work the same way as the originals, but provably no one can understand?

So here's the key idea around what I think that would mean. If you understand a slow program, you should be able to improve the slow parts and make it faster. If a program is slow but you have no idea how to make it faster, you don't understand the program.

So a cryptographically secure code obfuscator is a function F that takes as input a program P, and outputs another program Q (in other words F(P) = Q), where the following conditions apply:
  1. P and Q both compute the same function, but Q is slower than P
  2. it should be computationally hard to improve the performance of Q, given only Q and not P. This can be expressed mathematically by saying, there should not exist an easy-to-compute optimization function W such that if F(P) = Q, W(Q) is faster than Q.
  3. Calculating F should be possible in polynomial time.

Anyone heard of something like this?
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  • #2
The issue in the case of windows is that it supports debuggers for just about any program. It also supports remote (hosted on a second computer) debuggers than end up getting enabled during system boot time (often used to debug device drivers), where trying to prevent the debugger from attaching to the process used to run you program is probably not possible.

Once the program is actaully running, some debuggers can disassemble the running parts of a program, even if the program is kept encrypted in sections until it's needed to execute.

In the end, at best all you can do is make it difficult, but not impossible, to reverse engineer a program running under Windows.

Versions of Linux also include debug kernels (again mostly used for device driver development), so I'm not sure if Linux is any better, other than access to debugging kernels may be limited to approved developers.
  • #3
Let's try stating the problem a different way.

Suppose you have a Turing machine. Clearly the machine can be defined by a sequence of integers in some way, so its definition could be encrypted by standard "unbreakable" methods.

You can then pose the qiestion: can you construct a Turing machine that processes the "encrypted" definition, without trivally decoding it back to the original definition?

I don't know how to start answering that version of the question, but at least it seems to be a more precisely defined problem than the original version.
  • #4
AlephZero said:
Let's try stating the problem a different way.

Suppose you have a Turing machine. Clearly the machine can be defined by a sequence of integers in some way, so its definition could be encrypted by standard "unbreakable" methods.

You can then pose the qiestion: can you construct a Turing machine that processes the "encrypted" definition, without trivally decoding it back to the original definition?

I don't know how to start answering that version of the question, but at least it seems to be a more precisely defined problem than the original version.
That's less precise than my version because you don't say what it means to "trivially" decode it back to the original definition. My version is reducible to math; yours is not.
  • #5
mXSCNT said:
My version is reducible to math; yours is not.

Hm... I studied Turing machines as part of a math degree. But please yourself.

I don't see why you require an obfuscated program to be slower than the original, though. Your assertion
If you understand a slow program, you should be able to improve the slow parts and make it faster. If a program is slow but you have no idea how to make it faster, you don't understand the program.
is false in general. There are "slow" algorithms whch are very well understood (e.g. enumeration of all possible cases), but no faster algorithms are known.
  • #6
Assuming that P represents some algorithm, then doesn't the end result of any computer that can run Q, end up being the same algorithm as defined by P? If so, then if there is some tool that let's a person run Q with a debugger with trace feature, wouldn't that effectively allow the recreation of P?

Related to Cryptographically secure code obfuscation

1. What is cryptographically secure code obfuscation?

Cryptographically secure code obfuscation is a technique used to make computer code unintelligible to humans, while still maintaining its functionality. It involves encrypting and rearranging the code in a way that makes it difficult to understand and reverse engineer, thus protecting it from unauthorized access or theft.

2. Why is cryptographically secure code obfuscation important?

Cryptographically secure code obfuscation is important because it helps to protect sensitive or proprietary code from being stolen or copied by unauthorized users. This can be especially crucial for software companies or organizations that rely on trade secrets or intellectual property for their success.

3. How does cryptographically secure code obfuscation work?

Cryptographically secure code obfuscation works by using mathematical algorithms to transform the original code into a form that is difficult for humans to understand. This can involve techniques such as encryption, renaming variables and functions, and adding irrelevant or misleading code.

4. Is cryptographically secure code obfuscation foolproof?

No, cryptographically secure code obfuscation is not foolproof. While it can make code more difficult to understand and reverse engineer, it is not impossible to crack. Skilled hackers or determined individuals with enough time and resources may still be able to decipher the obfuscated code.

5. Are there any downsides to using cryptographically secure code obfuscation?

One potential downside of using cryptographically secure code obfuscation is that it can make debugging or troubleshooting more difficult. Since the code is not easily readable, identifying and fixing errors or bugs may take longer. Additionally, obfuscation can also slightly increase the size and complexity of the code, which could potentially impact performance.

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