Determining Fluid Density Using Buoyancy and Simple Materials

In summary, the researcher is trying to figure out how to measure the density of the fluid, and how to determine the mass of the object in the fluid. They have identified symbols used in equations, but still need to solve for p and to find the k value. They also need to measure the length of the spring and the change in length when the object is submerged and not submerged.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the laboratory, you are given a cylindrical beaker containing a fluid and you are asked to determine the density [tex]\rho[/tex] of the fluid. You are to use a spring of negligible mass and unknown spring constant k attached to a stand. An irregularly shaped object of known mass m and density D > [tex]\rho[/tex] hangs from the spring, so that the object (but non of the spring) is immersed in the fluid. You may also choose from among the following items to complete the task.
  • A metric ruler
  • A stopwatch
  • String

Explain how you could experimentally determine the density of the fluid. Show explicitly, using equations, how you wuill use your measurements to calculate fluid density [tex]\rho[/tex]. Start by identifying any symbols you use in your equations.

Homework Equations

Fbuoyancy = [tex]\rho[/tex]fluidVobjectG
[tex]\rho[/tex] = m/v
[tex]\rho[/tex]obj/[tex]\rho[/tex]fluid = Vfluid/Vobj

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm pretty much at a loss on this one. Seeing as I have the density of the object and its volume, I could plug that into the 3rd equation. However, I'm wondering if the third equation only applies to floating objects, as in this experiment, the object will sink. I can't figure out a way to obtain the fluid's mass, either. Thank you for the help.
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  • #2
Looks like you will have to work with the spring and its hanging mass.
What will happen to the spring when you slowly lift the mass out of the fluid?
  • #3
Will the spring extend to its maximum length, since there is no more buoyant force pushing it up any more?
  • #4
Okay, you've got a start! You could measure the change in the extension with that ruler. Suggest you write some spring formulas and see if you can find anything from that.

Quite an interesting problem! I don't see my way through it yet!
  • #5
The force of the spring is -kx, so by measuring the change in the x and using that equation, I would get the buoyant force? And with that, I would be able to use F=pvg, to solve for p. Am I correct?
  • #6
That sounds very promising. Remember, you don't have "x", you only have x2 - x1 or Δx so you need to play with F = kx (I hate that minus sign!) a little more. Don't abandon your other spring formulas just yet - make sure you write them all down on your scrap paper so you don't concentrate all your attention on this one.
  • #7
Hm, would it work if I simply measured the length of the spring of when the object is submerged and of when it is not, and find the difference in the forces, which would be the buoyant force?
  • #8
Maybe. Start with F1 = kx1 and see if it works out.
  • #9
Well the units work out, and I don't see why it wouldn't work out conceptually. Thank you for your help!
  • #10
So, do you know the value of k?
  • #11
Well there are no numbers involved in this FRQ, just variables. But yes, I can find k using the stopwatch and timing a period, then use T = 2[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\sqrt{}m/k[/tex]
  • #12
Oh, good thinking!
But you don't know the mass . . .
If you knew the mass, you could find the buoyant force . . .
But still not the density because you don't know the volume.
More thinking still to do, but you have a good start.

Related to Determining Fluid Density Using Buoyancy and Simple Materials

1. What is the purpose of the Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ?

The Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ (Free Response Question) is used to assess a student's understanding of the principles of buoyancy and their ability to apply them in a laboratory setting. It is often used as part of a science course or exam.

2. How does the Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ work?

The Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ usually consists of a series of questions or problems related to buoyancy, such as calculating the buoyant force on an object or determining the density of an unknown object. Students are expected to use their knowledge of buoyancy principles and perform experiments in a laboratory setting to answer these questions.

3. What skills are tested in the Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ?

The Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ tests students' understanding of buoyancy principles and their ability to apply them in a laboratory setting. It also assesses their skills in experimental design, data analysis, and critical thinking.

4. How can I prepare for the Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ?

To prepare for the Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ, it is important to review the principles of buoyancy and practice performing experiments related to buoyancy. You can also review sample questions and practice problems to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that may be asked.

5. What are some tips for doing well on the Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ?

To do well on the Buoyancy Laboratory FRQ, it is important to read the questions carefully and make sure you understand the concepts being tested. Take your time to perform the experiments accurately and record your data carefully. Also, be sure to show all your work and explain your reasoning in detail when answering the questions.

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