Exploring R-Algebras: Sharp's Lemma 1.10

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In summary, an R-algebra is a ring with an identity-preserving ring homomorphism from the integers, and the integers have a special role in the theory of commutative rings.)
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
After defining an R-algebra at the bottom of page 5 (see attachment from Sharp), on the top of page 6 we find the following:


"We should point out at once that the concept of an R-algebra introduced in 1.9 above occurs very frequently in ring theory, simply because every ring is a Z-algebra. We explain in 1,10 why this is the case."

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sharp then proceeds as follows:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Let \(\displaystyle R \) be a ring. Then the mapping \(\displaystyle F \ : \ \mathbb{Z} \to R \) defined by \(\displaystyle f(n) = n(1_R) \) for all \(\displaystyle n \in \mathbb{Z} \) is a ring homomorphism and, in fact, is the only ring homomorphism from \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z} \) to \(\displaystyle R \).


\(\displaystyle n(1_R) = 1_R + 1_R + ... \ ... + 1_R \) (n-terms) ... for n > 0

\(\displaystyle n(1_R) = 0_R \) for n = 0


\(\displaystyle n(1_R) = (-1_R) + (-1_R) + ... \ ... + (-1_R) \) (n-terms) ... for n < 0

It should be clear from 1.5 (The subring criterion - see attachment) that the intersection of any non-empty family of subrings of a ring R is again a subring of R, This observation leads to the following Lemma (Lemma 1.10 - see attachment, page 6). ... ... ... "


My first problem with the above is this:

Sharp writes: "Let \(\displaystyle R \) be a ring. Then the mapping \(\displaystyle F \ : \ \mathbb{Z} \to R \) defined by \(\displaystyle f(n) = n(1_R) \) for all \(\displaystyle n \in \mathbb{Z} \) is a ring homomorphism and, in fact, is the only ring homomorphism from \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z} \) to \(\displaystyle R \)."

But why is this the only ring homomorphism from \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z} \) to \(\displaystyle R \)?

My second problem is as follows: Sharp connects establishing a Z-Algebra (section 1,10 page 6) with establishing the structure of a polynomial ring - but what is the relationship and big picture here?

My third problem is the following:

Dummit and Foote on page 339 define Z-Modules (see attachment) , but seem to structure them slightly differently using a an element a from an abelian group (and not the identity of the group) whereas Sharp uses the multiplicative identity of a ring in establishing a Z-algebra. I presume this is because the abelian groups are being treated as additive and one cannot use the additive identity - can someone please confirm this please - or clarify and explain the links between Z_algebras and Z-modules.

I would really appreciate some help and clarification of these issues.

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  • #2
First off, let's just say we have any old homomorphism:

$f:\Bbb Z \to R$.

Since for integers $k,m$ we have:

$f(km) = f(k)f(m)$

we have:

$f(m) = f(1\ast m) = f(1)f(m)$ and:

$f(k) = f(k \ast 1) = f(k)f(1)$

so we see that $f(1)$ is a multiplicative identity for $f(\Bbb Z)$ (even if $R$ is not commutative).

Moreover, since $f(k)f(m) = f(km) = f(mk) = f(m)f(k)$, we see that the image of $f$ is a commutative sub-ring of $R$ with unity.

If $R$ is a ring with unity, the unity of $R$ is unique, and if we insist that a ring homomorphism preserve the ring unity, then we have no choice but to set:

$f(1) = 1_R$

But then the homomorphism property:

$f(k+1) = f(k) + f(1) = f(k) + 1_R$

yields (via induction on $n$):

$f(n) = nf(1) = n(1_R)$, for all $n \in \Bbb Z^+$.


$f(0) = f(0+0) = f(0) + f(0)$ shows that $f(0) = 0_R$.

Finally, for $n \in \Bbb Z^+$:

$0_R = f(0) = f(n + (-n)) = f(n) + f(-n)$, which means that:

$f(-n) = -f(n) = n(-1_R)$.

This means that $f$ is completely determined by $f(1)$, and we only have one choice in the matter, so only one homomorphism is possible (this is NOT true if we do not require homomorphisms to preserve unity:

Consider $f:\Bbb Z \to \Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z$ given by $f(k) = (k,0)$ and

$g:\Bbb Z \to \Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z$ given by $g(k) = (k,k)$).

What this means, in the language of category theory, is that the integers are an INITIAL OBJECT in the category of commutative rings with unity (with morphisms consisting of unity-preserving ring homomorphisms). Naively, the integers are your basic "starter ring", they have a special role to play in the theory of commutative rings.

To get a better understanding of what is going on, here, let's look at an alternate definition of $R$-algebra, and show our two definitions are equivalent.

Alternate definition of $R$-algebra:

A (left) $R$-module $M$ together with a bilinear ($R$-linear in both arguments) operation:

$[\cdot,\cdot]:M \times M \to M$

that possesses an identity for this operation, $1_M$.

Suppose now that we have an $R$-algebra in the sense of Sharp, so we have a commutative ring with unity $R$, a commutative ring with unity $S$, and a ring homomorphism (which preserves unity) $f:R \to S$.

For our $R$-module, we will take $M = S$. We define the "scalar multiplication" as:

$r(s) = f(r)s$, where the right-hand side is the ring multiplication in $S$. It should be (hopefully) clear that this indeed does produce an $R$-module:

$(S,+)$ is an abelian group
$(r + r')(s) = f(r + r')s = [f(r) + f(r')]s = f(r)s + f(r')s = r(s) + r'(s)$
$r(s+s') = f(r)(s + s') = f(r)s + f(r)s' = r(s) + r'(s)$
$r(r'(s)) = r(f(r')s) = (f(r))(f(r'))s) = (f(r)f(r'))s = f(rr')s = (rr')(s)$
$1_R(s) = f(1_R)s = 1_Ss = s$

For our binary operation $[\cdot,\cdot]$, we will use the multiplication in $S$. So all we have to verify is bilinearity:

$[s,t+t'] = s(t+t') = st + st' = [s,t] + [s,t']$
$[s+s',t] = (s+s')t = st + s't = [s,t] + [s',t]$
$r[s,t] = r(st) = f(r)(st) = (f(r)s)t = [f(r)s,t] = [r(s),t]$
$r[s,t] = r(st) = r(ts) = f(r)(ts) = (f(r)t)s = s(f(r)t) = [s,f(r)t] = [s,r(t)]$

and identity: clearly we may take $1_M = 1_S$.

Now, conversely, suppose we have the alternate definition, and we wish to prove this is an $R$-algebra in the sense of Sharp. So we need to exhibit a (unity-preserving) ring homomorphism $f:R \to M$. Define:

$f: R \to M$ by $f(r) = r(1_M)$.

The proof that this is such a homomorphism is left to you.

(Note: the requirement that $S$ is commutative can actually be relaxed to the condition that $f(S) \subseteq Z(S)$, the center of $S$, and the above proofs remain the same. Can you spot where this is required?).


By dint of the unique homomorphism from $\Bbb Z$ to $R$, we see immediately that any ring is a $\Bbb Z$-algebra, the $\Bbb Z$-module structure comes from the fact that the additive group of a ring is an abelian group. Some care must be taken, however, when writing $\Bbb Z$-linear combinations of elements of $R$, because $R$ may be of finite characteristic.

Every $\Bbb Z$-algebra *is* a $\Bbb Z$-module, but not every $\Bbb Z$-module has a bilinear product associated with it (in much the same way as some vector spaces have a multiplication defined on them, but not every vector space does).

The polynomial ring $R[x]$ is, in fact, the free $R$-algebra generated by the set $\{x\}$. This is what is expressed by the theorem:

Let $R$ be any commutative unital ring with $a \in R$. Then there is a unique ring homomorphism:

$\phi_a:R[x] \to R$

such that if $f:\{x\} \to \{a\}$ is defined the only way possible, and $\iota: \{x\} \to R[x]$ is the inclusion map, then:

$\phi_a \circ \iota = f$

Such a theorem is called a "universal property", because it says $R[x]$ represents the most efficient way of creating an $R$-algebra out of the single element set $\{x\}$.

The homomorphism $\phi_a$ is often called "the evaluation map at $a$" which returns the element of $R$, for a given polynomial $p(x) \in R[x]$ given by forming the expression $p(a)$. It may be an interesting exercise for you to show that $\phi_a$ is completely determined by its value at $x$.

Related to Exploring R-Algebras: Sharp's Lemma 1.10

1. What is Sharp's Lemma 1.10 in R-Algebras?

Sharp's Lemma 1.10 is a fundamental result in the study of R-Algebras, a type of algebraic structure that generalizes the notion of a ring. It states that if a non-zero element of an R-Algebra is nilpotent, then the algebra itself must be nilpotent.

2. How does Sharp's Lemma 1.10 relate to other algebraic concepts?

Sharp's Lemma 1.10 is closely related to other concepts in algebra, such as the Jacobson radical and the nilradical. It provides a useful tool for studying the properties of R-Algebras and their subalgebras.

3. What are some applications of Sharp's Lemma 1.10?

Sharp's Lemma 1.10 has various applications in algebraic geometry, representation theory, and other areas of mathematics. It can be used to prove theorems and establish important results in these fields.

4. Is Sharp's Lemma 1.10 a difficult concept to understand?

Sharp's Lemma 1.10 can be challenging to grasp at first, as it involves some abstract algebraic concepts. However, with a solid understanding of R-Algebras and their properties, it can be relatively straightforward to understand and apply.

5. Are there any generalizations or extensions of Sharp's Lemma 1.10?

Yes, there are various generalizations and extensions of Sharp's Lemma 1.10, such as the Artin-Rees Lemma and the Nakayama Lemma. These results build upon the ideas of Sharp's Lemma to prove more advanced theorems in algebra and related fields.

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