Family of nested spheres in Schwarzschild spacetime

In summary, the Wikipedia page on Schwarzschild coordinates discusses a "family of nested spheres" where each surface of constant t and r is a 2-sphere. However, it is noted that the extension of the exterior region of the Schwarzschild vacuum solution inside the event horizon of a spherically symmetric black hole is not static and the nested spheres cannot be extended inside the horizon. This raises some questions about the subtleties of the nested 2-spheres, such as the physical meaning of a constant value of r and the presence of a 2-sphere at the horizon. These issues are further explored using Painleve coordinates and it is concluded that the family of nested 2-spheres must extend all the way to
  • #1
On the Wikipedia page on Schwarzschild coordinates... talks about a "family of nested spheres": each surface of constant t and r is a 2-sphere (i.e., setting dt = dr = 0 and r = constant in the metric results in a Euclidean 2-sphere). At the top of the page, however, it says:

We should also note that the extension of the exterior region of the Schwarzschild vacuum solution inside the event horizon of a spherically symmetric black hole is not static inside the horizon, and the family of (spacelike) nested spheres cannot be extended inside the horizon, so the Schwarzschild chart for this solution necessarily breaks down at the horizon.

I've bolded the sentence that I'm wondering about. I understand that the chart as a whole is singular at the horizon, so the interior and exterior charts are disconnected. But it seems to me that there are some subtleties about the nested 2-spheres that are worth mentioning:

(1) In the Schwarzschild *interior* chart, the t coordinate is spacelike and the r coordinate is timelike. But the angular part of the metric in these coordinates is the same inside the horizon as outside, so setting dt = dr = 0 and r = constant should work the same. Yes, r is a timelike coordinate, but that only means [itex]\partial / \partial r[/itex] is a timelike vector instead of a spacelike one; it doesn't affect the physical meaning of a constant value of r relative to the area of a 2-sphere at r, correct?

(2) Another way of expressing #1 would be to point out that in Painleve coordinates, for example, the physical definition of r is the same: a 2-sphere at radial coordinate r has physical area [itex]4 \pi r^{2}[/itex]. The only difference is that in these coordinates, [itex]\partial / \partial r[/itex] is a spacelike vector all the way down to r = 0. So since a given physical 2-sphere is labeled by the same r in both coordinate charts, its physical area must be [itex]4 \pi r^{2}[/itex] regardless of which chart we are regarding r as a part of; i.e., the family of nested 2-spheres, physically, must run all the way into r = 0.

(3) Bringing up Painleve coordinates also raises another issue: at the horizon, Schwarzschild coordinates are singular, but physically, there is still a 2-sphere there, with physical area [itex]4 \pi r^{2} = 16 \pi M^{2}[/itex]. Painleve coordinates are not singular at r = 2M so this can be seen directly in those coordinates by setting r = 2M, dt = dr = 0.

(4) Finally, the bit about Schwarzschild spacetime not being static inside the horizon: that means that a curve of constant r, theta, phi, which is timelike outside the horizon, is spacelike inside the horizon (and null *on* the horizon). But that doesn't affect the fact that a surface of constant t and r (or constant Painleve time T and r) is a spatial 2-sphere. It just means that, on the horizon, a curve that stays on that 2-sphere for all time is null (the path of a light ray), and inside the horizon, a curve that stays on that 2-sphere is spacelike (i.e., no object can move on it, not even light).

Have I got all the above correct?
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  • #2
Looks right to me.

Related to Family of nested spheres in Schwarzschild spacetime

1. What is a family of nested spheres in Schwarzschild spacetime?

A family of nested spheres in Schwarzschild spacetime refers to a set of concentric spherical surfaces that are embedded in the curved spacetime around a non-rotating spherical mass, such as a black hole. These spheres represent the boundaries of different regions of space where the gravitational pull of the mass is strong enough to prevent anything, including light, from escaping.

2. How are these nested spheres related to the event horizon of a black hole?

The event horizon of a black hole is the boundary of the region where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. This boundary is also represented by one of the nested spheres in Schwarzschild spacetime. As the radius of the nested spheres decreases, they approach the event horizon, with the smallest sphere representing the event horizon itself.

3. What is the significance of the radius of the innermost sphere in the family of nested spheres?

The radius of the innermost sphere in the family of nested spheres represents the Schwarzschild radius, which is the distance from the center of the mass at which the escape velocity equals the speed of light. This is also known as the event horizon radius for a non-rotating black hole.

4. How does the curvature of spacetime change as you move from one nested sphere to another?

The curvature of spacetime increases as you move from one nested sphere to another. This means that the gravitational pull of the mass becomes stronger closer to the center, and objects will experience a greater acceleration towards the center as they move from one nested sphere to another.

5. Can the family of nested spheres in Schwarzschild spacetime be applied to other astronomical objects?

Yes, the concept of a family of nested spheres in Schwarzschild spacetime can be applied to any massive object with a spherical shape, such as stars or planets. However, the specific values for the radii of the spheres will depend on the mass and size of the object in question.

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