Greeks, Circles, Small Straight lines and Calculus

In summary, the conversation discusses the claim that the Greeks' obsession with circles may have prevented them from discovering the utility of small straight lines and anticipating the Calculus. However, it is argued that the ancient Greeks were also interested in lines and their main focus was on examining the relations between objects. It is also mentioned that Archimedes was able to use infinitesimals in a way similar to modern integral calculus. The conversation concludes that it is difficult to say why the Greeks did not discover Newton's first law and that the hypothesis of their obsession with circles hindering their progress in mechanics is not sound.
  • #1

I VAGUELY recall reading, some many years ago, a statement to the following...

"The Greeks were obsessed with circles. Had they relaxed this obsession, they may have seen the significance of modeling curves with small straight lines, and thereby anticipated the Calculus."

Is there any credence to this assertion (OR SOMETHING LIKE IT) and, if so (and more importantly) can you provide a reference?

(I am marking this "advanced" because, while the question is ostensibly simple in its math, it beckons a more philosophical and historical response with references.)
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  • #2
What about him? IMO that counts.
"Archimedes was able to use infinitesimals in a way that is similar to modern integral calculus."
  • #3
observer1 said:
(I am marking this "advanced" because, while the question is ostensibly simple in its math, it beckons a more philosophical and historical response with references.)
I have removed the 'A' thread prefix, which would be more appropriate for advanced mathematics questions.
  • #4
OK; I found the quote. Could someone read this quote...

It is from the book “Foundations of Physics,” Robert Bruce Lindsay and Henry Margenau, Dover, 1936

Page 88.

"There is now the rather now common view that the first law is really a definition of force. In other words, the first law does not make a statement about what happens to a particle when a force acts on it; rather it purports to say that a force is anything which acts to change the state of the particle from rest or uniform motion in a straight line.

However, the utility of this is in doubt because it conveys no notion on how to measure force. Furthermore, another drawback to the utility of Newton’s first law as a definition of zero force comes from the experimental fact that uniform motion in a straight lie is the exception and not the rule. Indeed we may go so far as to say that it is never encountered in large scale motions save approximately (as in the case of rain drops, parachutes, etc.). This is possibly the reason why the Greek philosophers paid so little attention to it, preferring instead to look upon uniform motion in circles as the perfect motion. They would have been astonished to see so much emphasis laid on a kind of motion that is practically never observed."So can one make the claim that had the Greeks not been so obsessed with circles, they might have seen the utility of small straight lines, sooner?
  • #5
observer1 said:
So can one make the claim that had the Greeks not been so obsessed with circles, they might have seen the utility of small straight lines, sooner?
I seriously doubt that for IMO it it simply not true.

The ancient Greeks have been put much effort on geometry. This does include 'small lines' as well as circles. In fact, lines are the fundamental part of Euclidean geometry.
Furthermore they were able to build pretty accurate tunnels which you certainly can't do with circles alone.
Their main field of examination has been to consider the relations between objects, geometrical as well as numerical objects. In fact in Geometry their circles were often only been used to build angels - angels between lines! And the relation established by Pythagoras' theorem is one between the length of lines.

However, it is rather difficult to guess what a) they could have done and b) what do you think they should have done.
If your question is why they did not find Newton's first law we can only do guesswork. Plus we don't know whether they did! Perhaps it just wasn't worth to them to write it down. (Btw. I have no clue whether this is correct. Maybe there is a source which I simply do not know.)
Or it was so clearly true to them that they did not care. The quoted author above says it's not even clear to him whether it should be called a law. A point of view I would not follow.

To extrapolate from doing geometry that this keeps you from doing mechanics is at least edgy. Moreover, Archimedes did a lot of what we call nowadays classical physics. You won't ask a particle physicist why he isn't doing solid-state physics, won't you? Neither would you postulate that his engagement in particle physics keeps him from knowing crystal structures.
IMO your hypothesis isn't sound.

Related to Greeks, Circles, Small Straight lines and Calculus

1. What is the significance of the Greeks in mathematics?

The Greeks, particularly ancient Greek mathematicians such as Pythagoras and Euclid, made significant contributions to the development of mathematical concepts and theories. They were the first to introduce deductive reasoning and axiomatic methods, which laid the foundations for modern mathematics.

2. How are circles used in mathematics?

Circles are used in various mathematical concepts, such as geometry and trigonometry. They can be used to calculate the circumference, area, and other properties of a circle. They also play a crucial role in calculus, where they are used to represent curves and are essential in understanding derivatives and integrals.

3. What is the importance of small straight lines in mathematics?

Small straight lines, also known as infinitesimal lines, are crucial in the development of calculus. They represent the concept of infinitesimal change, which is the basis for the derivative and integral in calculus. Without the understanding of infinitesimal lines, calculus would not exist.

4. How is calculus used in real-world applications?

Calculus is used in various real-world applications, such as physics, engineering, economics, and statistics. It is used to model and analyze continuous change and can provide insights into the behavior of complex systems. For example, calculus is used in physics to calculate the motion of objects and in economics to determine optimal solutions for maximizing profit or minimizing cost.

5. What are the basic principles of calculus?

The basic principles of calculus include the derivative, which measures the rate of change of a function, and the integral, which calculates the accumulation of change over a given interval. These principles are used to solve problems involving rates of change, optimization, and area/volume calculations. Other fundamental concepts in calculus include limits, continuity, and differentiation and integration rules.

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