Introducing The Global Dialectic (OS 012)

In summary, OS 012 is a dialectic that was created through online discussions about the looming war in Iraq and has been spreading for about a year and a half. It embraces both art and science and allows for opinions and sarcasm. It is a system of hyper-logic that aims to achieve world peace through memetics. While it has been successful in discussions on a philosophy and logic forum, it is still in beta mode and open to constant upgrading.
  • #1
Okay, what a long road this has been on this forum...

Anyway, per the suggestion of another member, I will introduce and sum up OS 012 here in the hopes that this community will participate in and add to the Open Source Global Dialectic that is about a year and a half old, and spreading all over the world via online chat and discussion.

OS 012 is, and this is were it can be challenged, a pristine and perfect dialectic that was created by various people all over the world via online discussion about the looming war in Iraq (Nov 2002-March 2003) and has grown ever since.

As a dialectic, it creates a dialogue where both sides can win inside of the conflict. When it is understood properly, it produces an expanded state of awareness and insight that is quite alarming and shocking.

As a dialectic, it is unique in that it employs both art and science (hence it's inherent puzzling presentation), and allows room for opinion and even sarcasm.

As a dialectic, it is also a perfect objectivist tool. This is only understood through discussion. The more it is challenged, the more it is understood.

It is a system of hyper-logic that embraces all and refuses none.

It is utterly impossible to defeat her axiom and proposition logically and rationally.

Since it also embraces the concept of memetics, this master meme will continue to spread word of mouth until COMPLETE and UTTER world PEACE is achieved. (There, I said the most controversial thing one could imagine)

So, fellow deep thinkers, what say you?

(please try to be funny)


OS 012

with love,

Physics news on
  • #2

my Lord, 67 views to this thread, and not ONE philosophy or logic fan is interested in a ternary dialectic based upon perfect axiom and proposition that insures all sides win in every conflict, resolves all philosophical and ethical questions, and embraces all ideas in complete harmony...

well, that is how I decided to take it to another forum, so if anyone is interested watching and seeing how this is applied, I took OS 012 to a philosophy logic forum, and they are loving it, it's proposistions are proved within the discussion, and if you all want a taste or want to join in there, here is the link..

See you there if you are i nterested...


PS , yes, I do use humor and theatre to present it, and you will see why when you read

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  • #3
Now if only it has perfect spelling.

Sorry. Had to.
  • #4
Say, Moonie, perhaps you can take this OS 012 of yours down to the politics forum and resolve all of our disputes so that no side loses. You'd be a hero.
  • #5
loseyourname said:
Now if only it has perfect spelling.

Sorry. Had to.

hehe, Dont apologise, the whole concept is *open source*..the site is in beta mode, so if there is a misspelling ( I suck at editing and proofreading) I wish you would tell me what was misspelled!

that way, the proper correction can be made. That is another princaple of the dialectic itself, that it is constantly upgrading to the dominant idea that is the most effective and rational

Say, Moonie, perhaps you can take this OS 012 of yours down to the politics forum and resolve all of our disputes so that no side loses. You'd be a hero.

sure, at some point that may be a good idea. however, I would not resolve your disputes, you would!

to resolve the disputes, one first has to understand how the dialectic works. So that is what I do, i find the conflict that people have with the dialectic and it's presentation, use the dialectic to engage in dialogue with them which becomes a training tool to see how it is used.

whoever uses this dialectic literally wins in every single discussion, always victorious


are you really a red head?

  • #6
Actually I'm a man who happens to think Scarlett Johannson looks pretty good as my avatar.
  • #7
me too. me too.

Related to Introducing The Global Dialectic (OS 012)

What is the Global Dialectic?

The Global Dialectic is a theory proposed by philosopher and sociologist Jürgen Habermas, which states that society is constantly evolving and moving towards a more rational and democratic state through the process of communication and discourse.

How does the Global Dialectic impact society?

The Global Dialectic theory suggests that through open and constructive communication and discourse, society can progress towards a more just and democratic state. It emphasizes the importance of diverse perspectives and the exchange of ideas in shaping societal progress.

What is the role of language in the Global Dialectic?

Language plays a crucial role in the Global Dialectic as it is the primary tool for communication and discourse. It allows for the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and opinions, which are essential for societal progress and the formation of a more rational and democratic society.

How does the Global Dialectic differ from other social theories?

The Global Dialectic differs from other social theories in its emphasis on the role of communication and discourse in shaping society. It also highlights the importance of rationality and democratic values in societal progress, rather than solely focusing on economic or political factors.

Can the Global Dialectic be applied to real-world situations?

Yes, the Global Dialectic has been applied to various real-world situations, such as social and political movements, to analyze the role of communication and discourse in shaping societal progress. It can also be used as a framework for promoting more rational and democratic practices in various areas of society.

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