Mass to Momentum: Exploring the Physics of Space Travel

In summary: The speed of the spacecraft is always less than the speed of light, and the mass of the spacecraft is always greater than zero; they both approach these limits as the fuel is expended.In summary, when a spaceship burns fuel, its mass is converted into energy which is used to accelerate the spaceship. The energy of the fuel is converted into kinetic energy, and the momentum is conserved by the exhaust gases taking away an equal amount of momentum. The limit of the spaceship's velocity is always less than the speed of light, and its mass is always greater than zero, even as it approaches these limits.
  • #1
A spaceship becomes lighter and easier to accelerate as it burns fuel. If it doesn't literally burn fuel, but it "magically" converts mass into to momentum with 100% efficiency, you will find that the limit of v as m approaches zero is c.

You may ask, "At that limit (when v=c) where did all the mass go?" It was turned into energy.

But where did the energy go?


My GUESS is that it still exists, as momentum without mass--which happens to be a description of the photon. Also, it shows why mass can never travel at c.

But not being a physics Jedi, I'm not sure.

-- faye kane, idiot savant
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  • #2

I am not sure I understand the relationship between your example and your queston.

Why not just ask "In an accelerating spaceship where does the energy of the fuel go?"

energy is a scalar, momentum a vector, one hint that momentum is not energy...

In any case the energy of the fuel is converted to kinetic energy...the work done in accelerating the spaceship...
  • #3

If you have a unit mass (in units where c=1) at rest then the four-momentum is (1,0,0,0), which, if completely anhilated, by conservation of the four-momentum can be split into (.5,-.5,0,0) and (.5,.5,0,0), each of which is individually massless. The energy is still there, it is the first component of each four-momentum.
  • #4

FayeKane said:
A spaceship becomes lighter and easier to accelerate as it burns fuel. If it doesn't literally burn fuel, but it "magically" converts mass into to momentum with 100% efficiency, you will find that the limit of v as m approaches zero is c.

You may ask, "At that limit (when v=c) where did all the mass go?" It was turned into energy.

But where did the energy go?


My GUESS is that it still exists, as momentum without mass--which happens to be a description of the photon. Also, it shows why mass can never travel at c.

But not being a physics Jedi, I'm not sure.

-- faye kane, idiot savant
First of all, you can't convert mass into momentum. You can convert mass into energy, or, rather, mass is a form of energy, so you can convert mass-energy into some other form of energy.

As momentum is conserved, a spaceship can gain momentum only if something else loses an equal amount. Traditionally, the "something else" would be the exhaust gases, and those gases would take away energy, too, so that's where all the energy goes.

Also it doesn't make sense to ask what happens when v = c, because that limit is never actually reached; you get ever closer to it without ever getting there.
  • #5

Naty1 said:
Why not just ask "In an accelerating spaceship where does the energy of the fuel go?"

Because I know where the energy of the fuel goes in a physically-realizable rocket ship.

I guess my error was asking the equivalent of "if x, which is impossible, were possible, then what would y be?", which may superficially sound plausible, but is actually meaningless.

energy is a scalar, momentum a vector, one hint that momentum is not energy...

Yeah, I was playing fast and loose with the language, sorry. If my question was worth pursuing, I'd need to rephrase it for it to make sense, but it isn't.

  • #6

DaleSpam said:
If you have a unit mass (in units where c=1) at rest then the four-momentum is (1,0,0,0), which, if completely anhilated, by conservation of the four-momentum can be split into (.5,-.5,0,0) and (.5,.5,0,0), each of which is individually massless. The energy is still there, it is the first component of each four-momentum.

I always like discovering that I'm ignorant but didn't know it, so I can become not ignorant.

It appears that I don't understand four-momentum.

Okay, in the expression "(1,0,0,0)" the first term (1) is the fraction of the total momentum which is in the time direction (i.e., the momentum through time of the invariant mass), and the other three are the fractions of the total momentum whose vectors point in spatial directions, is that correct?

In fact, I'm sure that is incorrect, because then (.5, a, b, c) would not be massless.

And my interpretation of "(.5,-.5,0,0) and (.5,.5,0,0)" would be that you split a stationary mass into two equal parts and send them shooting off in opposite directions, which I KNOW is wrong because there IS no mass left after it has been annihilated.

If you are inclined to, would you explain in what way my understanding of the notation representing four-momentum is incorrect?

The Wikipedia article doesn't help because I can't ask questions of it.

-- the apparently permanently confused faye
  • #7

The first component is te enrgy, the last three components are the three momentum components. The inner product is efined as:

a dot b = a0 b0 - [a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3]

This is invariant under Lorentz transformations.

If you take the inner product of a four-momentum vector with itself (we say, "square the vector"), you'll get a result that will be the same when evaluated in any frame. But in the rest frame the vector is
(m, 0,0,0,0), so the result must always be m^2. So, we have:

P^2 = E^2 - q^2 = m^2

where q is the ordinary momentum. This is the mass energy relation.

Now, consider a spacecraft that burns anti-matter. If P1 is the initial four-momentum of the spacecraft at rest and P2 is the final four momentum and Pf is the four-momentum of the emitted photons, we have:

P1 = P2 + Pf

This means that:

Pf = P1 - P2

Squaring both sides and using the mass-energy relation P^2 = m^2 gives:

0 = m1^2 + m2^2 - 2 m1 m2 gamma --------->

gamma = 1/2 [m1/m2+ m2/m1]

So, the gamma factor the spacecraft ends up at after it has burned some amount of its anti-matter is given by the mass ratio. If the final mass approaches zero, the gamma factor tends to infinity, so the speed approaches the speed of light.

Related to Mass to Momentum: Exploring the Physics of Space Travel

1. What is the relationship between mass and momentum in space travel?

The relationship between mass and momentum in space travel is described by Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force applied to an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. This means that the more massive an object is, the more force is required to accelerate it and change its momentum.

2. How does the concept of inertia affect space travel?

Inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion, plays a significant role in space travel. For example, the inertia of a spacecraft allows it to continue moving in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force, such as the gravitational pull of a planet or the thrust of a rocket engine.

3. How is momentum conserved in space travel?

Momentum is conserved in space travel through the principle of action and reaction, also known as Newton's third law of motion. This law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the context of space travel, this means that the force exerted by a spacecraft's engine on the propellant creates an equal and opposite force on the spacecraft, propelling it forward with an equal amount of momentum.

4. What are the challenges of propelling a spacecraft in space?

One of the main challenges of propelling a spacecraft in space is overcoming the lack of air resistance. On Earth, vehicles can use air resistance to slow down and control their momentum, but in the vacuum of space, this is not possible. Therefore, spacecraft must rely on other methods, such as rocket engines, to change their momentum and maneuver in space.

5. How does the concept of thrust affect space travel?

Thrust is a crucial factor in space travel, as it is the force that propels a spacecraft forward. To achieve thrust, rockets use Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The force of the rocket's exhaust pushing out of the engine creates an equal and opposite force on the spacecraft, propelling it forward. The amount of thrust needed for space travel depends on various factors, such as the mass of the spacecraft and the distance it needs to travel.

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