How Do You Formulate and Negate Quantified Statements in Logic?

  • Thread starter Bashyboy
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In summary, a) Every student in this class has taken exactly two mathematics classes at this school.b)Someone has visited every country in the world except Libya.c) No one has climbed every mountain in the Himalayas.d)Every movie actor has either been in a movie withKevin Bacon or has been in a movie withsomeone who has been in a movie with Kevin Bacon.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Express each of these statements using quantifiers. Then form the negation of the statement so that no negation is to the left of a quantifier. Next, express the negation in simple English. (Do not simply use the phrase “It is not the case that.”)

a) Every student in this class has taken exactly two mathematics classes at this school.

b)Someone has visited every country in the world except Libya.

c) No one has climbed every mountain in the Himalayas.

d)Every movie actor has either been in a movie withKevin Bacon or has been in a movie with
someone who has been in a movie with Kevin Bacon.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I just simply wanted to know if I was beginning correctly.

For a), would the statement translate into [itex]\forall x \exists ! y \exists ! z ((S(x,y) \wedge S(x,z)) \implies (y \ne z[/itex], where S(x,y) is, " Student x has taken mathematics course y"?

For b), would the statement translate into [itex]\exists x \forall y ((V(x,y) \wedge \neg V(x, Lybia))[/itex], or would it be [itex]\exists x \forall y ((V(x,y) \wedge y \ne ~Lybia)[/itex], where V(x,y) is, "x has visited country y."?
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  • #2
These questions are difficult and you probably aren't allowed to use E!. I think you may be advancing too quickly because these questions rely on everything that came before, you need to know everything that came before. I would actually read everything from the start, start with truth tables and read everything again, you'll get more from it this time because it'll be familiar, and try to understand everything before advancing. But the time you get back to these questions, you'll be ready for them.
  • #3
So, are you suggesting that my translations are incorrect? And why would I not be permitted to use the unique existential quantifier?
  • #4
I think you are lacking a component in your solutions that specifies the set from which your x, y, or z come from.
(changed my example statement)
For example, if I wanted to write: "Everyone in my class has exactly one ipod" I might set it up like this:

Let C be the set of my classmates.
Let I be the set of ipods.
[tex] \forall c \in C, \; \; \exists ! \; i \in I : S(c,i) [/tex] where S(c,i) means i belongs to c.
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  • #5
ArcanaNoir said:
I think you are lacking a component in your solutions that specifies the set from which your x, y, or z come from.
(changed my example statement)
For example, if I wanted to write: "Everyone in my class has exactly one ipod" I might set it up like this:

Let C be the set of my classmates.
Let I be the set of ipods.
[tex] \forall c \in C, \; \; \exists ! \; i \in I : S(c,i) [/tex] where S(c,i) means i belongs to c.

I just want to show how these forms relate to each other. [tex]\forall c \in C, \; P(c)[/tex] is shorthand for [tex]\forall c (c \in C → P(c))[/tex] is shorthand for [tex]\forall c (\in(c,C) → P(c))[/tex].

If we write C(c) instead of ##\in(c,C)##, we have [tex]\forall c (C(c) → \exists! i \; (I(i) \wedge S(c,i)))[/tex] as a variant of [tex] \forall c \in C, \; \; \exists ! \; i \in I : S(c,i) [/tex].

Logically they are the same, the difference is a matter of style. The first is expressed in a language with only variables and predicates, nothing more fancy than that. This is good when one is learning about logic itself, about how ideas are expressed by means of the logical operators.

The second form is more readable, using symbols from set theory. We can see here that set theory is either an extension or a specialization of logic, contingent on whether set membership is thought of as a predicate or not.

Related to How Do You Formulate and Negate Quantified Statements in Logic?

1. What are propositional functions?

Propositional functions, also known as propositional formulas, are statements that contain variables and can be either true or false depending on the values assigned to the variables. They are used in logic and mathematics to represent relationships between different objects or concepts.

2. How are propositional functions different from propositional logic?

Propositional logic deals with the logical relationships between entire statements, while propositional functions deal with the logical relationships between variables within a statement. In other words, propositional logic focuses on the truth or falsity of entire statements, while propositional functions focus on the truth or falsity of individual components within a statement.

3. What is the role of quantifiers in propositional functions?

Quantifiers, such as "for all" and "there exists", are used in propositional functions to specify the domain of the variables. They indicate whether the statement applies to all possible values of the variables or only to some of them. This allows for more precise and specific statements to be made.

4. How are propositional functions used in mathematics?

Propositional functions are used in mathematics to represent relationships between variables and to create logical statements that can be analyzed and manipulated using rules of logic. They are particularly useful in fields such as algebra, calculus, and number theory.

5. Can propositional functions be used in real-world applications?

Yes, propositional functions can be used in real-world applications to represent relationships between different variables or objects. They are especially useful in computer science and artificial intelligence, where they can be used to create logical rules and decision-making algorithms.

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