Rate of decreasing static field - is it measurable?

In summary, researchers have found that the speed of light in a vacuum is not a constant, but is instead proportional to the charge on the object.
  • #1
If a static charge is placed on an object, and that object begins to move through space, a magnetic field will form around the object (relative to a stationary observer).

At the same time, the static field around the object will begin to reduce. The faster the object moves, the stronger the magnetic field will become and the weaker the static force.

How do we measure that rate of the changing static force? Is this rate completely theoretical (I believe it's something like P=E.H.sineo), or has anyone managed to actually measure the static force at high speeds to 'actually' measure this change? Where could I find those results?

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  • #2
lenfromkits said:
If a static charge is placed on an object, and that object begins to move through space, a magnetic field will form around the object (relative to a stationary observer).

At the same time, the static field around the object will begin to reduce. The faster the object moves, the stronger the magnetic field will become and the weaker the static force.

How do we measure that rate of the changing static force? Is this rate completely theoretical (I believe it's something like P=E.H.sineo), or has anyone managed to actually measure the static force at high speeds to 'actually' measure this change? Where could I find those results?


Actually, I don't that's quite right. The (static) electric field is not a function of velocity.

[tex] \vec E = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon _0}\frac{q}{r^2} \hat r [/tex]

[tex] \vec F_E = q\vec E [/tex]

The magnetic field is, on the other hand.

[tex] \vec B = \frac{\mu _0}{4 \pi}\frac{q (\vec v \times \hat r)}{r^2} [/tex]

[tex] F_M = q(\vec v \times \vec B) [/tex]

Thus the total force is,

[tex] \vec F = \vec F_E + \vec F_M [/tex]

[tex] = q \vec E + q(\vec v \times \vec B) [/tex]

If you calculate the relative strengths between the electric and magnetic force (as a function of v) you get an interesting result. Note that Maxwell's equations tell us that the speed of light in a vacuum is [tex] c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon _0 \mu _0}} [/tex].
  • #3
Were not E and H multiplied by each other supposed to equal a constant?
  • #4
lenfromkits said:
Were not E and H multiplied by each other supposed to equal a constant?

Something like

[tex] \vec E \cdot \vec H = \vec E' \cdot \vec H' [/tex]

Yeah, but I think that's more to do with the geometry changing when you go from one from one inertial frame to another inertial frame (at a different velocity) due to Lorenz transformations.

Yeah, I think I see what you mean now. But I'll let others comment from here.
  • #5

I can assure you that the rate of decreasing static field is indeed measurable. The strength of a magnetic field can be measured using instruments such as a magnetometer, which can detect changes in the magnetic field caused by the movement of an object. Similarly, the static field around an object can be measured using an electrostatic voltmeter.

The rate of change of the static field can be calculated using mathematical equations, such as the one you mentioned (P=E.H.sineo). However, these calculations are based on theoretical models and may not accurately reflect the real-world conditions. To obtain more accurate measurements, experiments can be conducted to measure the static field at different speeds and observe the changes in the magnetic field.

There have been numerous studies conducted on the relationship between static and magnetic fields, and you can find the results in scientific journals and publications. A quick search on reputable databases such as Google Scholar or ScienceDirect should provide you with relevant research papers on this topic.

In summary, the rate of decreasing static field is indeed measurable, and there have been numerous studies and experiments conducted to measure this change. I hope this helps answer your question.

Related to Rate of decreasing static field - is it measurable?

1. What is the rate of decreasing static field?

The rate of decreasing static field refers to the speed at which the strength of a static electric field decreases over time. This can be affected by various factors such as distance, material properties, and the presence of other electric fields.

2. How is the rate of decreasing static field measured?

The rate of decreasing static field can be measured using instruments such as a static field meter, which can detect and measure the strength of static electric fields. Other methods may involve mathematical calculations based on known properties of the electric field and its surroundings.

3. Is the rate of decreasing static field constant?

No, the rate of decreasing static field is not always constant. It can vary depending on the factors mentioned above, as well as external influences such as temperature and humidity. In some cases, the rate of decrease may also slow down or even stop completely if the electric field is able to maintain a constant charge.

4. Why is it important to measure the rate of decreasing static field?

Measuring the rate of decreasing static field is important for various reasons. It allows us to understand and predict the behavior of electric fields in different environments, which can be useful in industries such as electronics and telecommunications. It also helps in identifying potential hazards and implementing safety measures in areas with high static electric fields.

5. Can the rate of decreasing static field be increased or decreased?

Yes, the rate of decreasing static field can be affected by various factors and can be increased or decreased accordingly. For example, increasing the distance between two objects with static charge can decrease the rate of field decrease, while introducing other electric fields can cause the rate to fluctuate. However, the rate of decrease ultimately depends on the properties of the electric field and its surroundings.

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