Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #1,751
Zarii, sent my ideas.. got any headway?
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  • #1,752
boxcutter: 56 was brillant!

zarii & melody: east of debious woods is larubia mansion. but haven't tried anything yet.

sorry, don't know how to hide these texts.
  • #1,753
MelodyKitn said:
Zarii, sent my ideas.. got any headway?
Try and write in the jomathingy.. and se where you end up..we can practically move around all the places we've already visited in aljiba..
  • #1,754
Zarii... the map doesn't work, but I'll give you a msg in a sec
  • #1,755
Maybe we are supposed to get past the east bridge ..
Want link to the denismarshthingy again (not that i know if it's the right thing but yeah)
  • #1,756
Okay, looking at the map.. I know we're heading in the right direction... and I think I see our destination...

But... how we get there is ... troublesome.
  • #1,757
We're pretty much backtracking down to get to...

Given the path we've been taking...

o_O I think I've just confused myself...

Yeah, I totally just went in the wrong direction ^^

Omg.. I get lost even in a cybermap x.x
  • #1,758
Where the f*** did the wind bite hard o_O

Are we sure we're thinking of the right place
  • #1,759
I got 53 thans to a verbal slap in the face from Kaya :-p 54 stared me in the face for a bit before I got it, and 55 went down pretty easily too. Onto 56!
  • #1,760
the most confusing one of them all.. i feel sorry for u ffut xD
  • #1,761
Whew Ffhut! You're catching up quick! Get over here so you can help me and Zarii ^^
  • #1,762
how far is everyone... cause I am still stuck on 52... and I have no idea what I am doing wrong... I just can't figure out: Where I am...

Please someone point me in some direction... i got nothing...
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  • #1,763

Ffut.. Thank you. I couldn't have found the way back without you :hugs:

(Dangit! I have to go to lunch! Zari, as soon as you make your way there, I'll join in again, but I -have- to go eat)
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  • #1,764
seraphcode said:
how far is everyone... cause I am still stuck on 52... and I have no idea what I am doing wrong... I just can't figure out: Where I am...

Please someone point me in some direction... i got nothing...

The names of the locations we're visiting in this riddle aren't just random or made up. They're coming from something else. Do some research on some of the location names and you'll find out where, and from there you can find out the next step.
  • #1,765
Zarii said:
the most confusing one of them all.. i feel sorry for u ffut xD
Obviously the riddle is broken, because the answer simply must be Fidel Alejandro Castro.
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  • #1,766
ffutahw said:
Obviously the riddle is broken, because the answer simply must be Fidel Alejandro Castro.
Really? :P
  • #1,767
I still don't get how to move on from 59 kitn >.<
  • #1,768
Zarii hun, I sent you a msg! Come find me!

*stuffs large portions of taco-type food stuffs in her mouth as she tries to decipher the next one*

x.x Please find me.. you know how lost I get without a partner to throw ideas off of >.<
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  • #1,769
MelodyKitn said:
Zarii hun, I sent you a msg! Come find me!

*stuffs large portions of taco-type food stuffs in her mouth as she tries to decipher the next one*

x.x Please find me.. you know how lost I get without a partner to throw ideas off of >.<
I will find you.. I'm just a bit ehm.. slow :P
  • #1,770
In all seriousness for number 56, I have tried the following names (various permutations of each and changes in order, single and multiple words used, .htm and .jpg for each) with no success:
Nero Claudius Caesar, Howard Phillip Lovecraft, Vlad Dracul Tepes, Dracula and various synonyms, Erida and various synonyms, Dea and various synonyms, Camilla / carmilla and various synonyms, Luke and various titles for him, Judas Iscariot and several titles and variations.

I'm gearing up to do some more research, but this is what I've eliminated so far.

Am I moving in the right direction with this?
  • #1,771
have you hit the wall?
  • #1,772
Hey, where are we?
  • #1,773
Greg, I'm on 60 and waiting for Zarii to come find me (she's on 59).

I'm clueless when it comes to puzzles without someone to bounce an idea off of... and this new puzzle is making me screwy @.@
  • #1,774
Alright, so how about a hint on 56?
  • #1,775
I'm going to have to say that 56, 'The Wall' is aptly named. I've exhausted every combination of names that I found readily. Back to the drawing board.
  • #1,776
once you hit a wall it might be smart to turn back
  • #1,777
*tugs on Greg's line* Greg! I need you too!

*whimpers* I don't feel safe here all alone...

*nibbles at her taco as she looks over the clues again*

Hmm.. I have an answer that should make sense... but it doesn't work!

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  • #1,778
You're not alone :P
  • #1,779
*grins and drags Zarii's line*

You better believe it!

Now we just need the others...

*tugs on everyone else's lines*
  • #1,780
Oh man. 56 just got a LOT more complicated...
  • #1,781
xD told you it was confusing
  • #1,782
How are u doing on the riddle Greg and where is omega and.. everybody else? :|
  • #1,783
Zarii, I'm back to not knowing what to do on 60.. I ended up with another thought for 'The Graveyard Of Dead End Thinking'...

Still glaring at the screen.. I have a right mind to punch that guy so he'll take us across *laughs*

But didn't my thought seem to make sense Zarii?
  • #1,784
Your idea was great.. darn shame that it didn't work :\
  • #1,785
Aside from that idea I bounced off of you.. I'm getting nothing so far...


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