Surface Area Multiple Integrals problem

In summary: I think I understand it now!In summary, the conversation involved a student seeking help with two problems involving finding the area of a plane and a surface using vector equations and partial derivatives. The expert provided a general equation for finding surface area and confirmed the student's answer for the first problem. They then discussed the correct answer for the second problem and offered an alternative method for solving it. The student expressed their gratitude and understanding of the solution.
  • #1
I need some help on these problems. I'm not sure what to do.

1 Find the area of the plane with vector equation r(u, v) =< 1+v, u-2v, 3-5u+v> that is given by 0<u<1, 0<v<1.

So far, I took the partial derivatives with respect to u and v. I don't know if I was supposed to or not and I'm really stuck there.

Since I'm trying to find surface area a relevant equation may be S = (double integral) SQRT(1 + (partial derivative of u)^2 + (partial derivative of v)^2) dA

2. The part of the surface z = 1 + 3x +2y^2 that lies above the triangle with vertices (0,0), (0,1), (2,1)

Relevant equation should be same as above.

I think I got the answer but I'm not sure and would really appreciate some help if I got it wrong.
Here's how I did it:
partial x: 3 Partial y: 4y
The boundary of the triangle is x=2y
so it took the integral from 0 to 1 and from 0 to 2y SQRT(10 + 16y^2)dx dy
and I got the integral from 0 to 1 times 2y SQRT(10 +16y^2) dy
then I took that integral and got (2/3)*(2/32)*SQRT(10 + 16Y^2)^(3/2) from 0 to 1
My final answer is (1/24)(26)^(3/2) - (1/24)(10)^(3/2)

Is this correct?
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  • #2
Remember that when you parametrize a surface, tangent vectors are gained by differentiating with respect to the two independent variables.
Let us take the general case.

Suppose you have a surface S parametrized as
Then, two infinitesemal tangent vectors to this surface are given by:
The differential area spanned by these two vectors lies on S, and its area is given by:
And the total area of S is then gained by summing together all dA's (i.e, by integration).

Thus, yes, you have thought correctly on 1.
  • #3
The answer I got for number 1 is SQRT (107), is this correct?

What about number 2?
  • #4
Hmm..I have to retract what I said about you having thought correctly on 1.

What you have written is totally meaningless!

Follow what I wrote in my post:
Thus, the norm of the cross product is:
and since both u and v varies between 0 and 1, [itex]\sqrt{62}[/itex] is the correct answer.
  • #5
I still get SQRT (107). Are you sure about SQRT(62)?
  • #6
Hmm..perhaps not. Made a too fast calculation. Sorry about that. square root of 107 it is.
  • #7
Thanks! What about number 2?
  • #8
arildno said:
Hmm..I have to retract what I said about you having thought correctly on 1.

What you have written is totally meaningless!

Follow what I wrote in my post:
Thus, the norm of the cross product is:
and since both u and v varies between 0 and 1, [itex]\sqrt{62}[/itex] is the correct answer.
[tex]\left|\begin{array}{ccc}i & j & k \\ 0 & 1 & -5 \\ 1 & -2 & 1\end{array}\right|= i\left|\begin{array}{cc}1 & -5 \\ -2 & 1\end{array}\right|- j\left|\begin{array}{cc}0 & -5 \\1 & 1\end{array}\right|+ k\left|\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -2\end{array}\right|[/tex]
= -9 i- 5j - k
which has length [itex]\sqrt{81+25+1}= \sqrt{107}[/itex]
  • #9
Indeed, it is.
However, as I made the mental calculation (-5)*(-2)=-5, so that the i'th component became -6 rather than -9, I got 62 as my radicand rather than 107.
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  • #10
You are starting to take after me. That is NOT a good sign!
  • #11
Yes, the answer to (1) is [itex]\sqrt{107}[/itex]

For (2): The part of the surface z = 1 + 3x +2y^2 that lies above the triangle with vertices (0,0), (0,1), (2,1)

Pretty much the same thing. You can write this as x= u, y= v, z= 1+ 3u+ 2v2, basically using x and y as parameters, so that r= ui+ vj+ (1+ 3u+ 2v2)k. Find ru, rv[/sup] and take their cross product. Integrate over the triangle (which has sides x= 0, y= 1, and y= (1/2)x).
  • #12
Another way for 1:

The surface you're looking for is a parallelogram with vertices at r(0,0), r(1,0), r(0,1) and r(1,1). So two of its non-parallel sides are given by r(1,0)-r(0,0) and r(0,1)-r(0,0). Find the norm of the cross product of these two vectors:

|| [r(1,0)-r(0,0)] x [r(0,1)-r(0,0)] ||

and this will be the desired area.
  • #13
Thanks for your help!

Related to Surface Area Multiple Integrals problem

1. What is a surface area multiple integral problem?

A surface area multiple integral problem is a mathematical problem that involves finding the area of a three-dimensional surface by breaking it down into smaller two-dimensional regions and using multiple integrals to calculate the total area.

2. How is a surface area multiple integral problem solved?

To solve a surface area multiple integral problem, the surface is divided into smaller regions, each with its own double integral. The limits of integration for each integral are determined based on the boundaries of the region, and the integrals are then evaluated to find the area of each region. The areas of all the regions are then added together to find the total surface area.

3. What are the applications of surface area multiple integrals?

Surface area multiple integrals have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. They are used to calculate the surface area of objects with irregular shapes, such as 3D models in computer graphics, and to find the total surface area of objects in real-life scenarios, such as calculating the surface area of a building for construction purposes.

4. What is the difference between a surface area multiple integral and a regular integral?

The main difference between a surface area multiple integral and a regular integral is the number of dimensions involved. A regular integral is used to find the area under a curve in a two-dimensional plane, while a surface area multiple integral is used to find the area of a three-dimensional surface by breaking it down into smaller regions and using multiple integrals.

5. Are there any techniques to simplify surface area multiple integral problems?

Yes, there are some techniques that can simplify surface area multiple integral problems, such as using symmetry to reduce the number of integrals needed to find the total area, or using trigonometric substitutions to simplify the integrals. It is also helpful to carefully choose the order of integration and to use appropriate coordinate systems, such as polar or spherical coordinates, to make the calculations more manageable.

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