Understanding 4-Momentum in Special Relativity

In summary, the square of the sum of particles' four momenta is invariant under Lorentz transformations, while the four momentum is NOT invariant under Lorentz transformations. However, the four momentum is conserved in an isolated system of particles. This is extremely useful in particle physics and can be proven by taking the sum of the 4-momenta of particles going into and coming out of an interaction, which will result in the same 4-vector.
  • #1

I am studing elementary particle physics and want to ask something, just to check if I have understood properly. So, as I understand, this is true about four-momentum in special relativity:

1. The square of the sum of particles' four momenta is invariant under Lorentz transformations.
2. The four momentum is NOT invariant under Lorentz transformations.
3. The four momentum is conserved.

This seems to be extremely usefull in particle physics. I hope the statements are true. Are they? What about proving them? Where can I find proofs?
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  • #2
nikolafmf said:
1. The square of the sum of particles' four momenta is invariant under Lorentz transformations.

I assume that what you mean by this is: take the sum of the 4-momenta of the particles going into an interaction, and take the squared norm of the resulting 4-vector; take the sum of the 4-momenta of the particles coming out of the same interaction, and take the squared norm of that resulting 4-vector; the two results will be the same. Yes, this is true.

nikolafmf said:
2. The four momentum is NOT invariant under Lorentz transformations.

The four-momentum of what?

nikolafmf said:
3. The four momentum is conserved.

The four-momentum of what?
  • #3
"I assume that what you mean by this is: take the sum of the 4-momenta of the particles going into an interaction, and take the squared norm of the resulting 4-vector; take the sum of the 4-momenta of the particles coming out of the same interaction, and take the squared norm of that resulting 4-vector; the two results will be the same. Yes, this is true."

That would mean conserved, not invariant. A textbook made me cautious to make diference between the two. So, I mean this: take the sum of the 4-momenta of the particles going into an interaction, and take the squared norm of the resulting 4-vector; then do the same for the same particles in DIFFERENT coordinate system, into which we go by some Lorentz transformation. You must get the same number?

For the third and the second question, I meant the same as the first, the sum of the four momenta of isolated system of particles. Not the square of the sum, but just the sum. It should be not invariant, but should be conserved, right?
  • #4
nikolafmf said:
That would mean conserved, not invariant.

Yes, fair point.

nikolafmf said:
I mean this: take the sum of the 4-momenta of the particles going into an interaction, and take the squared norm of the resulting 4-vector; then do the same for the same particles in DIFFERENT coordinate system, into which we go by some Lorentz transformation. You must get the same number?

Yes. The squared norm of any 4-vector is a Lorentz scalar and is therefore invariant.

nikolafmf said:
For the third and the second question, I meant the same as the first, the sum of the four momenta of isolated system of particles. Not the square of the sum, but just the sum.

The sum is a 4-vector, not a scalar. The usual terminology for 4-vectors, 4-tensors, etc. is "covariant", not "invariant", meaning that their components transform according to the appropriate laws ("4-vector", "4-tensor" etc. are really terms that denote transformation laws). So the sum of the 4-momenta of all the particles going into an interaction will be covariant, since it's a 4-vector.

The sum of 4-momenta of all the particles going in will be the same as the sum of 4-momenta of all the particles coming out--that is, you will get the same 4-vector in both cases. (This assumes an isolated interaction with no other forces, no external potentials, etc.) So the sum will be conserved.
  • #5
OK, thank you very much.

Related to Understanding 4-Momentum in Special Relativity

What is 4-momentum in special relativity?

4-momentum is a concept in special relativity that combines the traditional notion of momentum (mass times velocity) with the relativistic effects of time dilation and length contraction. It is represented by a 4-dimensional vector, with components for time, and the three spatial dimensions.

How is 4-momentum different from traditional momentum?

Traditional momentum only takes into account the mass and velocity of an object, while 4-momentum also includes the effects of special relativity. This means that 4-momentum can change depending on the observer's perspective, while traditional momentum remains constant.

What is the equation for 4-momentum?

The equation for 4-momentum is: p = (E/c, px, py, pz), where E is the energy of the object, c is the speed of light, and px, py, and pz are the components of traditional momentum in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.

How does 4-momentum relate to the conservation of energy and momentum?

In special relativity, energy and momentum are not independent, but are combined into a single quantity: 4-momentum. This means that in a closed system, 4-momentum is conserved, just like energy and momentum are conserved in classical mechanics.

What are some real-world applications of understanding 4-momentum in special relativity?

Understanding 4-momentum is crucial in many fields, including particle physics, astrophysics, and engineering. It is used to calculate the motion of particles and objects at high speeds, to understand the behavior of particles in particle accelerators, and to design spacecraft and satellites that must travel at relativistic speeds.

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