What Are Our Varied Preferences in Physical Aesthetics?

  • Thread starter TheStatutoryApe
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In summary, people have a variety of preferences in physical features. Males generally have preferences for larger eyes, high cheekbones, a strong jaw line, and thick arms. Females generally have few preferences, with the exception of darker skin and longer hair.
  • #36
cronxeh said:
Is she like 40? Ok I saw brazzers on one of the images there.. :smile: She is a porn star??

Seriously, if we go there, only two words: Raven Riley.

No she's 32 i think. Also Lisa Ann, ava devine, sara jay are my favourite stars.
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  • #37

I guess another thing I sort of like are natural chops. Crooked or distinct teeth can be very endearing, I feel. And when it comes to make-up, less is more.
  • #38
Your opinions are very refreshing. Seriously.
  • #39
I've been unexpectedly startled a few times by slightly crooked eyes.
  • #40
I tend to like girls who are considered voluptuous. I have a friend who like super skinny girls and he makes fun of me for liking "fat chicks". But I don't like girls who are overweight, just those who have a degree of feminine softness, as opposed to the skinny-as possible chic. Different girls have different ideal weights. My ex girlfriend has wide hip, and I thought she looked better with a bit of weight in the middle because otherwise her hip bones would be very prominent. In my experience however, no matter how much you tell most girls your preferences, they won't believe you, and think you are just trying to make them feel better. Most girls have gotten the idea in their heads that their is a universal standard of maximum thinness. It is such a turnoff when girls are embarrassed to show their stomachs or ask if I think they're fat when we are being intimate.
My friend who teases me prefers girls who are very thin with small breasts and small posteriors. To me, those girls look like girls, not women.

Otherwise, I like girls with who are slightly shorter then me with good skin, and facial features that are not too angular. I am actually pretty open to different types of girls.
The things I find very sexy are girls with soulful eyes, beautiful feminine cutesy voices (especially if they can sing!) and a very slight curve to their bellies (there is a belly to breast ratio; I've noticed that the larger a girl's breasts the more weight I think she can carry and not seem overweight.) I also like girls with alternative style; dyed hair and bright colors are big.

I am turned off by girls with bad skin (especially acne.) I don't like gingers. I don't like girls who are significantly taller then me (and I'm relatively short, about 5'6) I am really turned off by nasally voices. I tend to prefer white girls, although it's not a strict thing. I love southern accents. I don't like long legs per ce, but I like legs of a certain shapes. I like larger nipples.
This might be a bit risque for this site, but although I don't object to it, I think the "brazillian look" is overused. It strikes me as pre-pubescent. But the biggest thing turn on is a girl that is sweet, smart, rebellious, and has a good heart.

Also, I like "party girls" who like to drink and smoke once in awhile.
  • #41
FrancisZ said:
B's and D's, at least, are what comic books have taught me, are the kind of body you'd need to kick sand in somebody's face at the beach, and get away with it.

Comic books get it all wrong.

FrancisZ said:
Not that I'd want to do that; but it would be nice to be able to go to the beach.

You can get the body you want Francis. It's never too late. If you want something, go for it.
  • #42
FrancisZ said:
Generally speaking: I confess a preference for the pear shape; and I can't understand why so many celebrity women hate their hips so much. :confused:

They don't hate their hips per se. What they hate is slipping out of certain range of ratios (WHR, CWR and VHI ) which are generally perceived as attractive.

And the problem is that the hormonal ensemble in a woman will favorite a pattern of fat storage in the area of hips, *** and upper thighs, and less on waist, very different of how a normal healthy male stores fat. If you see a man with similar fat deposits, you can be pretty much sure he has more estrogen in his system than a man should have.

Now you know why some of them "hate" their hips. For a woman, hips are potentially one of the first things to go to hell when your body composition starts to change towards a higher bf%. You may still be attractive , but you have to start to think about maintaining your body composition.
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  • #43
DanP said:
Comic books get it all wrong.

You can get the body you want Francis. It's never too late. If you want something, go for it.
T'was a joke Dan (no body gets my humor :frown:) Just a reference gag to this old thing...


I do work out a little on the weekends--just to keep my waist in check. And I'm happy to report I went down a pants size since last May. Some clepto stole my bike recently, however. I can't understand why they would even want it: it was just a bicycle we slapped together years ago with spare parts. The gears were rusted into one setting, it had a beat up and hard banana seat, and the brakes were terrible. Go figure.
DanP said:
They don't hate their hips per se. What they hate is slipping out of certain range of ratios (WHR, CWR and VHI ) which are generally perceived as attractive.

And the problem is that the hormonal ensemble in a woman will favorite a pattern of fat storage in the area of hips, *** and upper thighs, and less on waist, very different of how a normal healthy male stores fat. If you see a man with similar fat deposits, you can be pretty much sure he has more estrogen in his system than a man should have.

Now you know why some of them "hate" their hips. For a woman, hips are potentially one of the first things to go to hell when your body composition starts to change towards a higher bf%. You may still be attractive , but you have to start to think about maintaining your body composition.
What I'm saying is that you just don't see too many pear shaped women in the public eye. Generally speaking, Hollywood goes more for the hourglass figure (and not Marilyn anymore either) or the banana shape (favoring the thinner figure).

And beside that, more often than not, you'll hear some rude comment between older women in television and movies, complaining about their backsides and hips being too big. :confused:

Don't they know I like that? (Not like anyone cares). :biggrin:
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  • #44
FrancisZ said:
What I'm saying is that you just don't see too many pear shaped women in the public eye.

Yes, because it's not a very attractive body. Those girls are fat.

FrancisZ said:
Generally speaking, Hollywood goes more for the hourglass figure (and not Marilyn anymore either) or the banana shape (favoring the thinner figure).

Its not Hollywood which prefers them, female attractiveness is linked to the way body looks. there where countless studies which show that the hourglass shape is the most attractive one to men, statistically.
and Marilyn Monroe body was in X, meaning hourglass :P yes, yes hourglass her body was but not as skinny as today's "standard"

FrancisZ said:
And beside that, more often than not, you'll hear some rude comment between older women in television and movies, complaining about their backsides and hips being too big. :confused:

Sure. Because women store fat first in those areas, it's their way to tell on TV "You are getting fat, *****" to other women.

FrancisZ said:
Don't they know I like that? (Not like anyone cares). :biggrin:

Statistically, not too many man like it. Big *** and no upper body, no X shape, looks pretty bad IMO. A big *** looks good only on certain bodies, with a good development of shoulders
and when you still sport a good WHR and shoulder to waist ratio. But then again, this gets you back to an X shaped body .

In a way, physical attractiveness is inextricably linked to the X shape. For both man and women. And it was from long ago. For example, look at godess Venus art representation from antiquity. While she has a big booty in some of those representations, don't let it fool you. Check her ratios. She is not a "pear"
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  • #45
DanP said:
Yes, because it's not a very attractive body. Those girls are fat.

Well, firstly: I think it's also how you carry yourself. And the same could be said of the very thin. Some people I would even say look good fat (and look good skinny also). E.g. Jackie Gleason was a suave looking fellow...


And I would also say, that I don't think being pear shaped and fat are necessarily the same thing...


Its not Hollywood which prefers them, female attractiveness is linked to the way body looks. there where countless studies which show that the hourglass shape is the most attractive one to men, statistically.

I'm sure we could produce a study about the pear shape as well.

Sure. Because women store fat first in those areas, it's their way to tell on TV "You are getting fat, *****" to other women.

You're probably right.

Statistically, not too many man like it. Big *** and no upper body, no X shape, looks pretty bad IMO. A big *** looks good only on certain bodies, with a good development of shoulders
and when you still sport a good WHR and shoulder to waist ratio. But then again, this gets you back to an X shaped body.

Certainly a woman can be bosomy, and also narrow in the shoulders.

In a way, physical attractiveness is inextricably linked to the X shape. For both man and women. And it was from long ago. For example, look at godess Venus art representation from antiquity. While she has a big booty in some of those representations, don't let it fool you. Check her ratios. She is not a "pear"

Oh, I don't know. Short of the Hellenistic style, I think a lot of "goddess" statues are fairly girthy in the hips (and elsewhere).
  • #46
FrancisZ said:
Yeah, I wouldn't say she's fat, that's obviously a genetic problem. I've seen women that looked completely normal from the waist up then looked like the top of their body had been attached to another woman's lower half. I can't talk, I am cylinder shaped, no waist.
  • #47
Dr Lots-o'watts said:
I've been unexpectedly startled a few times by slightly crooked eyes.
Uncorrected convergent strabismus in attractive ladies can be quite disarming. The look invites you closer into their personal space, if only unintended.
  • #48
turbo-1 said:
Uncorrected convergent strabismus in attractive ladies can be quite disarming. The look invites you closer into their personal space, if only unintended.
I find it really awkward as you don't know which eye to look into. Crooked teeth though, like Patricia Arquette's is really adorable.
  • #49
I'm definitely one for uniqueness--I love a harmless distinction really of any sort.
  • #50
FrancisZ said:
And I would also say, that I don't think being pear shaped and fat are necessarily the same thing...

The women in the photo is fat. Let's not kid ourselves.
  • #51
DanP said:
The women in the photo is fat. Let's not kid ourselves.

No she's not! She's normal looking. We've been bombarded so much with super-skinny images that normal women are considered fat by some people now. Most models are not normal-looking. they're super thin!
  • #52
nucleargirl said:
No she's not! She's normal looking. We've been bombarded so much with super-skinny images that normal women are considered fat by some people now. Most models are not normal-looking. they're super thin!
You are kidding me. Normal women, really ? If you thinks that's normal, you have a problem.Anyone looking like that should make serious revisions to your eating habits, get a medical checkup and start to exercise. That woman's BMI would equal the one of a little elephant. She is fat.
  • #53
DanP said:
You are kidding me. Normal women, really ? If you thinks that's normal, you have a problem.Anyone looking like that should make serious revisions to your eating habits, get a medical checkup and start to exercise. That woman's BMI would equal the one of a little elephant. She is fat.

Fat or not, it seems all women's clothes are made to fit that body type :frown:.
  • #54
lisab said:
Fat or not, it seems all women's clothes are made to fit that body type :frown:.

Well, maybe in USA. Come and see EU.
  • #55
DanP said:
You are kidding me. Normal women, really ? If you thinks that's normal, you have a problem.Anyone looking like that should make serious revisions to your eating habits, get a medical checkup and start to exercise. That woman's BMI would equal the one of a little elephant. She is fat.

Actually it is quite normal for a lot women to have fat around the hips/breasts etc. Take a look around outside - you'll find a lot more women looking like Princess Beatrice than some size 6 model. According to her mum she's only UK size 10 which is a size 8 in the US. I'd say that's pretty normal and healthy. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7408451.stm
  • #56
nucleargirl said:
Actually it is quite normal for a lot women to have fat around the hips/breasts etc.

Sure its normal :P Like I told before in this thread the hormonal ensemble in a women facilites a certain fat pattern, hips , buttocks and upper legs being fav zones.

The issue is , how much fat you have % in your body. That women has loads. I bet she is well outside accepted BF ranges.

But whatever. If fat is what floats your boat, be fat.
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  • #57
DanP said:
You are kidding me. Normal women, really ? If you thinks that's normal, you have a problem.

Why do people insist that their preferences are "normal" and everyone else's are abnormal? Why would we we even want attractiveness to be a universal thing? Could it be possible that your genetic makeup and sexual/cultural imprinting disposes you to find certain women as desirable mates, while someone else's leads them towards a different preference?
  • #58
lisab said:
Fat or not, it seems all women's clothes are made to fit that body type :frown:.
Clown pants sydrome? I've had my share of those, two other people could have joind me. They do have the slim fit for those of us with no hips or butt and skinny legs.
  • #59
DanP said:
The women in the photo is fat. Let's not kid ourselves.
Sorry, but I just don't see it Dan. As far as I'm concern, "big boned" might actually be a suitable description in this case. She has broad hips, but has thin arms and lower legs. And her mid section has a well defined naval--so exactly, how "fat" could she possibly be?! Maybe you mean phat instead. :biggrin:
DanP said:
But whatever. If fat is what floats your boat, be fat.
Weeeeell...you might have said that to begin with.
Galteeth said:
Could it be possible that your genetic makeup and sexual/cultural imprinting disposes you to find certain women as desirable mates, while someone else's leads them towards a different preference?
That sounds reasonable.
Evo said:
Clown pants sydrome? I've had my share of those, two other people could have joind me. They do have the slim fit for those of us with no hips or butt and skinny legs.
For the record, tiny women are equally wonderful. I for one love Aileen Quinn (a.k.a. Annie)...


I subbed one day last year at the same school where she was teaching. She's very good to the students and so adorable. She's really short and thin--like 4'11".

Undoubtedly, there is something to appreciate in anyone's NATURAL appearance.
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  • #60
FrancisZ said:
Sorry, but I just don't see it Dan. As far as I'm concern, "big boned" might actually be a suitable description in this case. She has broad hips, but has thin arms and lower legs. And her mid section has a well defined naval--so exactly, how "fat" could she possibly be?!

Not the mid section is her issue, the humongous hips and upper legs. She is **not** big boned she is fat , and medically overweight. She will be obese in 2 years. And the sad part is that the chick looks very young .
You know who is big boned ? Sigourney Weaver for example. Fat doesn't have anything to do with big bones. And thin arms ? There is really nothing thin in those arms, except when you compare them to her legs.
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  • #61
DanP said:
. Fat doesn't have anything to do with big bones. .

From an aesthetic point of view, it does. A person who is bigger boned can carry more weight and not appear overweight then someone with a smaller frame.
  • #62
I must say that being big boned is a myth. Sure there may be differences in skeletal mass, but that is no excuse for having a high body fat percentage. People say the girl is not fat, but then what is the weight she is carrying around? I must say that it's not necessarily a bad thing to carry weight on your hips, it is better than having fat stored around internal organs.
  • #63
Monique said:
I must say that being big boned is a myth. Sure there may be differences in skeletal mass, but that is no excuse for having a high body fat percentage. People say the girl is not fat, but then what is the weight she is carrying around? I must say that it's not necessarily a bad thing to carry weight on your hips, it is better than having fat stored around internal organs.

Finally someone talking some sense.
  • #64
Monique said:
I must say that being big boned is a myth. Sure there may be differences in skeletal mass, but that is no excuse for having a high body fat percentage.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yto7b8UjcLE&feature Well, not for anything but: the example female pelvis in this video looks bigger to me at least.
People say the girl is not fat, but then what is the weight she is carrying around?
Would someone please draw me a picture to indicate the truly MASSIVE supply of fat on this particular girl? Is it not possible, that even if you lipo-suctioned her entire body down to sheer skin and bones, that she would still be physical wider at the pelvis and hip joints?
I must say that it's not necessarily a bad thing to carry weight on your hips, it is better than having fat stored around internal organs.
:biggrin: Please don't encourage Dan...
DanP said:
Finally someone talking some sense.
You don't know what fat is..."you ain't fat...you ain't nothin..." :biggrin:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mU6USTBRE
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  • #65
FrancisZ said:
Would someone please draw me a picture to indicate the truly MASSIVE supply of fat on this particular girl?
She has garbageloads of fat on her. You don't need someone to draw a picture for you, you need to simply accept reality and don't cling to perception issues which makes you think elephants are small. That chick is humongous hips and below. Medically , I bet she borders obesity. She will get there soon. Thats her bright future. Another obese teenager bites the dust.

FrancisZ said:
:biggrin: Please don't encourage Dan...

She doesn't need to encourage me. What you shouldn't do is to encourage fat women to become even fatter by rejecting the crude reality and calling them "big boned" and **** like this. Fat girls are fat. Their denial and the denial of some men of the fact doesn't change the truth. Fat, nearly obese.
FrancisZ said:
You don't know what fat is...

Fat is your enemy.
  • #66
FrancisZ said:
Well, not for anything but: the example female pelvis in this video looks bigger to me at least.

Would someone please draw me a picture to indicate the truly MASSIVE supply of fat on this particular girl? Is it not possible, that even if you lipo-suctioned her entire body down to sheer skin and bones, that she would still be physical wider at the pelvis and hip joints?
Sure, there are four major types of pelvis shapes (gynaecoid, android, anthropoid, platypelloid). A consequence of having a wide pelvis would be that the hip joints are set further apart, creating extra space between the upper legs. You'll notice that in the example that space is not there. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable with discussing the picture in great detail. If anything, the girl is not apple-shaped and that works in her advantage, medically and aesthetically.
  • #67
Monique said:
Sure, there are four major types of pelvis shapes (gynaecoid, android, anthropoid, platypelloid). A consequence of having a wide pelvis would be that the hip joints are set further apart, creating extra space between the upper legs...If anything, the girl is not apple-shaped and that works in her advantage, medically and aesthetically.

This is more than sufficient input anyway; and thank you sincerely for it. :redface:

Anyway, would you say then that it IS fair to call this particular person "big boned" (in addition to anything else about her weight; although that would be unkind)? I realize that "big" is hardly a scientific term; but I mean the connotation attached to it (in comparison to, potentially, other pelves).

DanP said:
She has garbageloads of fat on her. You don't need someone to draw a picture for you, you need to simply accept reality and don't cling to perception issues which makes you think elephants are small. That chick has humongous hips and below. Medically , I bet she borders obesity. She will get there soon. Thats her bright future. Another obese teenager bites the dust.

Geeeeeeeeeez Dan, did some fat kid steal your lunch as a child, or what?


She doesn't need to encourage me. What you shouldn't do is to encourage fat women to become even fatter by rejecting the crude reality and calling them "big boned" and **** like this. Fat girls are fat. Their denial and the denial of some men of the fact doesn't change the truth. Fat, nearly obese.

I just don't see it, Dan. She's mildly out of shape at the worst.

Fat is your enemy.

Asparagus is my enemy. But fat--although not good in large quantities--has some purpose in the human body. I'm sure I don't have to tell you: fat is stored carbohydrates; muscle dissolves fat for energy.
  • #68
FrancisZ said:
This is more than sufficient input anyway; and thank you sincerely for it. :redface:

Anyway, would you say then that it IS fair to call this particular person "big boned" (in addition to anything else about her weight; although that would be unkind)? I realize that "big" is hardly a scientific term; but I mean the connotation attached to it (in comparison to, potentially, other pelves).
No it is NOT. "Big boned" thing is a myth. I told you where to look to see a women with slightly larger bones than usual media of women. The 5′ 11½ Sigourney Weaver for example. And as you see she doesn't use that as an excuse to overflow fat all over her body. Not even at 60 years old :P
FrancisZ said:
I just don't see it, Dan. She's mildly out of shape at the worst.

Mildly out of shape :P You really are a champion for fat women everywhere, aint you ?

Anyway, there are medical standards who determine obesity. It is not in the eye of the beholder. That chick borders obesity. She will get there fast, unless she radically changes her lifestyle. Trust me, I
seen hundreds of women bodies of all shapes , BMI and bf% percentage in the gyms during the years. From competitive athlete to really fat chicks who wanted to change their lives. The one in the picture is pretty bad :P

And now, let me tell you something which is in the eye of the beholder, me. I find that body disgusting. Besides the fact she looks really bad, her body reeks of complacency and sloth to me.

FrancisZ said:
fat is stored carbohydrates; muscle dissolves fat for energy.

Fat is fat, not stored CHO :P Fat it's not a CHO.

And no, muscles don't dissolve fat for energy. You may call the process "oxidation", but no dissolution.
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  • #69
DanP said:
The 5′ 11½ Sigourney Weaver for example. And as you see she doesn't use that as an excuse to overflow fat all over her body. Not even at 60 years old :P
Yes...I agree Sigourney Weaver probably has more physically massive bones--because she's a rather tall woman. But short of actually killing this poor woman and setting her pelvis on a scale to measure mass, irregardless, it definitely appears to me, that she is more of the "gynaecoid pelvis" type--which is wider than other types. She may also be storing more fat in that area, for the reason you already mentioned (namely, hormones).
Mildly out of shape :P You really are a champion for fat women everywhere, aint you ?
My love was rather broad hipped as well. And I thought she was beautiful at least. To each his own.
Anyway, there are medical standards who determine obesity. It is not in the eye of the beholder. That chick borders obesity. She will get there fast, unless she radically changes her lifestyle. Trust me, I seen hundreds of women bodies of all shapes , BMI and bf% percentage in the gyms during the years. From competitive athlete to really fat chicks who wanted to change their lives. The one in the picture is pretty bad :P
Cruel, man, cruel.
And now, let me tell you something which is in the eye of the beholder, me. I find that body disgusting. Besides the fact she looks really bad, her body reeks of complacency and sloth to me.
I have to admit, that comment made me laugh. You don't like lazy people.
Fat is fat, not stored CHO :P Fat it's not a CHO.

And no, muscles don't dissolve fat for energy. You may call the process "oxidation", but no dissolution.
Eh, allow me to rephrase at least: carbohydrates are converted to glycogen, or fatty acids; which if not called upon through either exercise or general processes of homeostasis, eventually become fat tissue.
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  • #70
Dan, you are entitled to your opinions, but please don't go around to "obese" girls giving them helpful advice. Many girls have an unfortunate tendency to get neurotic about these kinds of issues.

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