Why Do Some People Enjoy Holiday Shopping Despite the Stress?

  • Thread starter Topher925
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In summary, people like to spend Christmas money on material things they don't need or want instead of giving personal gifts.
  • #1
One thing I dislike most about christmas is the shopping and materialism. I'm poor, and never know what to get family members, which seem to change every 3 years. This usually leads to large amounts of stress this time of year and me wasting countless hours online looking for deals when I should be spending this time on school work. For some reason some people love it, I just don't see why. What is it about driving around in 1ft of snow, getting ticked off in malls and stores with inconsiderate and rude people, while spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars that people like so much? I also don't see the appeal of receiving gifts from family members and friends just because our culture says you have to. If I want something, I'll buy it myself. All I want this year is good health for me and everyone else along with an end to poverty. I'll probably get a steak marinade kit and some cheap cologne instead.

One more thing, does anyone know of some non-personal gifts that I could get step-siblings that are not to expensive? I gave 2-month subscriptions to netflix last year which seemed to go over well, but this year I am out of ideas.
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  • #2
woot.com usually has some pretty good deals on random items.
  • #3
I'm not a huge fan of the holidays either. Being a broke college is a pretty good excuse for not buying gifts, guess that won't last forever though. When I do buy gifts I do all of my shopping online, I hate crowds and traffic with a passion. Did anyone see the South Park episode where Cartman bought his own amusement park? I hate crowds as much as Cartman does in that episode.

Hmm, inexpensive non-personal gifts...maybe certificates for free music downloads?
  • #4
Socks. I always need new socks.
  • #5
Evo said:
Socks. I always need new socks.
And a hand knitted scarf is always great
  • #6
If it's the materialism you dislike, why would you want to buy non-personal gifts for people? Isn't that being awfully materialistic?

Here's the way I do it. There's one special little boy in my life...my nephew. He of course gets plenty of toys, with a focus on the noisiest and messiest ones, because that's what good aunts do. :biggrin: In addition to that, a check is written for money to be put into his college fund.

I'm still working on convincing my parents that I'm old enough to not believe in Santa anymore, so really don't need to exchange gifts for the holidays when we live too far apart to have a clue what anyone needs or wants. Last year I did send gifts, because my grandmother had just moved in with them and was having a rough time adjusting to my grandfather's death and the move to live with my parents, etc. All the gifts sent were meant to help them all adjust to the new living arrangements. A nice throw blanket for my grandmother who thinks my parents keep their house way too cold for her, some jigsaw puzzles for them to do together so they had something to keep occupied, gift certificates for them all to go out to dinner together, and some fishing lures for my step-dad so he could escape when my mom and grandma started driving him bonkers.

I give a few gifts to coworkers who have been especially helpful to me during the year. It's more a token of thanks than a Christmas gift.

Otherwise, no gifts. My boyfriend and I don't exchange any gifts at all...instead I pay for the gas, parking and train into the city to get there (or airfare if I decide to fly instead of drive out there), and he gives me the subway card to get around once in the city, and pays for all our meals together and any other things we decide to do.
  • #7
Gift certificates often get a bad rap but I think they're very good because it enables a person to get exactly what they want.

I'm normally happy with a DVD or blu-ray of some sort. I got one for my birthday and a little bit of cash and Christmas will probably be the same.
  • #8
Kurdt said:
Gift certificates often get a bad rap but I think they're very good because it enables a person to get exactly what they want.

There are two times I think gift certificates are a good idea. One is if it's for a restaurant. You're really buying them a dinner out, which is fairly specific, especially if it's for their favorite restaurant. The other is if you know they're trying to save up for something more expensive than your gift-giving budget allows. Getting them a gift certificate to the store that sells that item means they can put it toward the thing you know they want rather than waste money buying something inexpensive they don't need or want. Otherwise, I think they just mean that someone couldn't be bothered to know you well enough to buy something you'd enjoy but for some reason still felt obligated to give a gift.
  • #9
Personally I think Christmas should be replaced with "surprise day". An international commitee would each year come up with a new purpose, theme and execution of surprise day. This information will be released to the public exactly three days (this is very important) before commencing celebration. Would make the holidays a bit more interesting dontcha think? ^^
  • #10
I never know what to buy others, even my own family. I usually just get something so they will have something. I figure most of my family already has what they want so why buy more for them. My mother is a different story. She expects me to get her gifts to show her I love her...she even told me that once. It kinda makes it hard when we don't have much money. I don't really need anything, but will ask for the new Guns n' Roses Chinese Democracy CD this year and a pair of oven mits.
  • #11
Evo said:
Socks. I always need new socks.

I am all ways short of motorbike socks, i wear them in bed to keep my aged feet warm,
then wear them thin traipsing about the country side.
  • #12
Red Rum said:
And a hand knitted scarf is always great
I REALLY need one of those!
  • #13
A girlfriend... =P
  • #14
Moonbear said:
There are two times I think gift certificates are a good idea.
Gift certificates or store cards are good if it's for an employee, teacher, etc... where cash wouldn't be appropriate, and you don't know them well enough to buy them something. What gradeschool teacher needs another ceramic apple? Personally I like the American Express gift checks, you can use them anywhere for anything, they are like cash. My company is giving those out again. WOOHOO! They're nice looking and come in a gift envelope.
  • #15
noumed said:
woot.com usually has some pretty good deals on random items.

I love woot. Last weeks woot-off was definitely the best way to do holiday shopping. I also get most of my t-shirts from there.
  • #16
Evo said:
Gift certificates or store cards are good if it's for an employee, teacher, etc... where cash wouldn't be appropriate, and you don't know them well enough to buy them something.

Since when is cash not appropriate for an employee? Who needs a silly gift card, just give employees the Christmas bonus they really want. As for teachers, who ever came up with that idea of giving presents to teachers at the end of the year? I can't even imagine what they must do with all the junk their students give them. Maybe they save it all up for a yard sale every few years? :rolleyes:
  • #17
Some of my teachers used to get whisky and wine from some of my class mates. I bet they enjoyed that. :biggrin:
  • #18
Kurdt said:
Some of my teachers used to get whisky and wine from some of my class mates. I bet they enjoyed that. :biggrin:

:bugeye: Are you serious? Were those kids that bad that their parents thought they needed to send the teacher lots of alcohol to forget about them when the year was done?
  • #19
We weren't exceptionally bad. I did go to public school though so that probably explains it.
  • #20
I don't celebrate Christmas really. I do plan on making my dad my personal hand made pizza (top-notch). For my mom, I'll bring something nice to the Christmas diner she's having.

I hope no one buys me anything this year. My family is more understanding about the fact that I don't celebrate Christmas now. Not sure why it's only changing now. It's been years.

Anyways, that's me. Nothing on my list.

A girl that I'm dating is insisting that I get her a gift for Christmas. I'm not particularly fond about that at all. I would rather go see a Christmas theatre play or something for fun because that's what I like doing (going to shows). Yeah, it bothers me a little. Basically, it's enforcing me to do something I don't do.
  • #21
JasonRox said:
A girl that I'm dating is insisting that I get her a gift for Christmas. I'm not particularly fond about that at all. I would rather go see a Christmas theatre play or something for fun because that's what I like doing (going to shows). Yeah, it bothers me a little. Basically, it's enforcing me to do something I don't do.

So get her tickets to a show you'd like to see with her. :biggrin:
  • #22
Moonbear said:
So get her tickets to a show you'd like to see with her. :biggrin:

That's not a Christmas gift though. I just get tickets all the time. She wants something else, or she will consider the tickets as a Christmas. I'm not too fond of that. It's cornering me basically. So, basically, don't get her a gift of any sort for all of December is what she's saying so that she doesn't enforce anything on me.

Anyways, we are going on a trip next week to a location of her choice. That should be good enough. :-p
  • #23
I don't have anything on my list as of right now. I think I am going to be getting a ring from my boyfriend though :biggrin: It will be exciting to know what I get though!
  • #24
A lump of coal.

I'm stocking up each x-mas until I become an oil-tycoon.
  • #25
mcknia07 said:
I don't have anything on my list as of right now. I think I am going to be getting a ring from my boyfriend though :biggrin: It will be exciting to know what I get though!

A ring?!

The closest thing to a ring I would buy is the ring that...


Engagement ring? Or spoiler ring?
  • #26
Who knows...most guys don't just buy a ring, unless it is an engagement ring...but he did make metion of a ring...I guess time will tell.

What kinda ring are you talking about?
  • #27
mcknia07 said:
Who knows...most guys don't just buy a ring, unless it is an engagement ring...but he did make metion of a ring...I guess time will tell.

What kinda ring are you talking about?

Hint: Dirty.

I think proposals during Christmas time are lame. Pick a better time. I hope it's not and you get it on a more unique/original romantic night. An experience you can remember distinctly from others and not just some Christmas time.
  • #28
JasonRox said:
Hint: Dirty.

I think proposals during Christmas time are lame. Pick a better time. I hope it's not and you get it on a more unique/original romantic night. An experience you can remember distinctly from others and not just some Christmas time.

Ah, you bad man!

Yeah, I mean, my best friend got engaged last year on Christmas and just got married like about a month ago.
  • #29
She wants something else

There is something that comes to mind of what to get her. Does anyone remember that song from SNL a year or two ago with justin timberlake?
  • #30
mcknia07 said:
I think I am going to be getting a ring from my boyfriend though :biggrin: It will be exciting to know what I get though!

Does this have something to do with your birth-control question in the Medical Science forum? :devil:
  • #31
JasonRox said:
That's not a Christmas gift though. I just get tickets all the time. She wants something else, or she will consider the tickets as a Christmas. I'm not too fond of that. It's cornering me basically. So, basically, don't get her a gift of any sort for all of December is what she's saying so that she doesn't enforce anything on me.

Anyways, we are going on a trip next week to a location of her choice. That should be good enough. :-p

You sound like you're of the same mindset as my boyfriend and I. We agree that we could either get big presents for each other a few times a year on specific holidays, or we could do nice things for each other all the time and not make such a fuss about it on holidays.
  • #32
Rest and relaxation!:rolleyes:
  • #33
Lisa! said:
Rest and relaxation!:rolleyes:

Unfortunetly, many aren't as sane as you are Lisa!.


A man DIED because of people trying to save a couple hundred bucks on a cheap TV made in china. America at its finest.
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  • #34
Visa to Brazil which I will probably be buying myself.
  • #35
Another family with which we're really close has a rule: make the gift yourself, nothing unmodified from the store. One at first thinks Little House on the Prairie, pine cones and string, but not so. The gifts they came up with last year were wonderful. Demands some creativity, dispenses with all the usual problems of trying to buy for someone else who probably knows more about the gift than you, wrong flavor, wrong size, wrong version - all of which degenerates eventually into gift certificates. I think we're going adopt.

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