Recent content by 128GB

  1. 1

    Can Alternative Mathematical Expressions Improve ABS() and Round() Functions?

    I do have reasons for "reinventing the wheel" because I am modifying them, I wanted to use the actually math not if x >= 0 then return x else return -x end --This is lua by the way I wanted to recreate the math library for modifying if I did it like that instead of the math for abs, then I...
  2. 1

    Can Alternative Mathematical Expressions Improve ABS() and Round() Functions?

    3 Simple questions -- Math for ABS(), Round() To find the absolute value of a number you can use this ((x ^ 2) ^ 0.5) To round a number up you can use this -(((-x - 1) - ((-x - 1) % 1)) + 1) To round a number down (x - (x % 1)) Are there better ways to do this? The middle one is...