Recent content by Andrew_99

  1. A

    A Deriving an inequality from a paper

    Read page 12 and 13 (at most, page 10, 11) of below pdf file, for all information required for my query, no need to read the whole paper. The problem is algebraic derivation which I could not figure out. You wrote- do you think...
  2. A

    A Deriving an inequality from a paper

    I tried, two other persons tried, see the last image, but failed to get the result, Plz help.
  3. A

    A Deriving an inequality from a paper

    I used Image from paper.
  4. A

    A Deriving an inequality from a paper

    Hi, I am studying a paper by Yann Bugeaud: on page 13 there is an inequality (16) as given below- which is obtained from - , on page 12. How the inequality (16) is derived? I couldn't figure it out. However one of my...