Recent content by aneima6

  1. A

    Magnet A Pulls Magnet B with 30N - How Much Force Does Magnet B Pull?

    so the answer is that since they are an equal distance away. that the force that a acts upon b is the same force that b acts upon a. answer 30N?
  2. A

    Magnet A Pulls Magnet B with 30N - How Much Force Does Magnet B Pull?

    i think because magnet a is twice as strong, that magnet b is half of its strength. also i forgot a few parts of the question that might help it has twice the magnetic field strength.
  3. A

    Magnet A Pulls Magnet B with 30N - How Much Force Does Magnet B Pull?

    well I'm not exactly sure. I'm looking in the chapter of magnetism in my book and i don't see any forumla's. its weird. i went back a chapter and found coulombs which deals with force=(k)(q1q2)/d^2. i wasn't sure if it was right or now. if you could help me on a formula i could try and solve...
  4. A

    Magnet A Pulls Magnet B with 30N - How Much Force Does Magnet B Pull?

    thats probably correct. this is a basic question. i think it is getting at coulombs law. i think the answer is 15N. not sure
  5. A

    Magnet A Pulls Magnet B with 30N - How Much Force Does Magnet B Pull?

    Magnet A has twice the magnetic field strength of magnet B (at equal distance) at a certain distance and pulls on the magnet B with a force of 30N. Determine the force with which magnet B pulls magnet A. Could someone help me. I'm just starting physics in hs.
  6. A

    Linear speed and reaction forces

    alright V= R * angular speed? Radius: C=pi*d 2meters=3.14*d .6366=d d=2r .6366=2r Radius=.318meters angular speed= 6.283185308 radians * ? is it 2meters?
  7. A

    Linear speed and reaction forces

    Just checking these other problems 1)Bicycle has wheels with circumference of 2m. What is the linear speed of the bicycle when the wehels rotate at 1 rev/sec. 2m/s 2) A 10,000N vehicle is stalled 1/4 the way across a bridge. What are the two additional recation forces that are...
  8. A

    Angular momentum of the earth's orbit

    thanks. yea i just fixed it
  9. A

    Angular momentum of the earth's orbit

    thanks for the help. is this rotational velocity? earth sun 360 degrees = 6.28318531 radians 365 days or 31536000 seconds 6.28318531 radians/31536000 seconds 1.99x10^-7 rad/sec earth moon 360 degrees = 6.28318531 radians 27.3 days or 2358720 seconds 6.28318531 radians/2358720...
  10. A

    Angular momentum of the earth's orbit

    Earth Sun: (5.98x10^24)((1.5x10^11)^2) = 1.35x10^47 Earth Moon: (7.36x10^24)((3.84x10^8)^2) =1.09x10^40 so far so good?
  11. A

    Angular momentum of the earth's orbit

    ok i get Rotational Inertia: I=(2/5)(m)(r^2) Earth I=(.4)(5.98x10^24)((6.37x10^6)^2) I=9.71x10^37 Moon I=(.4)(7.36x10^34)((1.74x10^6)^2) I=8.91x10^34
  12. A

    Angular momentum of the earth's orbit

    i need help on this. how much greater is the angular momentum of the Earth orbiting about the sun than the moon orbiting about the earth? (using a ratio of angular momenta) angular momentum = rotational inertia x rotational velocity radius of Earth (equatorial) 6.37x10^6 radius of...