Recent content by Angeluzmaia

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    Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction for the mass on the surface

    I have read, and I don't understand, also I'm tired and I have less than 6 hours to finish the exercises because their due date is at 7:00 am and I need to sleep because I have my physics test tomorrow and arildno was rude to me and I don't know how I can do that exercise, was trying with...
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    Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction for the mass on the surface

    ok, I didn't come here for you to insult me, I don't understand what I have to do, I'm not very good at physics right now I just want you to help me, explain me, because my proffesor doesn't explain the exercises, not do my homework but you know what, I'm really tired cause I took a test...
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    Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction for the mass on the surface

    I got this formula that a friend told me h=S*sen (theta)
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    Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction for the mass on the surface

    I need help with a physics problem, if someone could help me with the fomula, please. When mass M is at the position shown, it is sliding down the inclined part of a slide at a speed of 2.23 m/s. The mass stops a distance S2 = 1.85 m along the level part of the slide. The distance S1 =...
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    Help with Forces: Calculate Horizontal Stopping Force

    please help me, this is urgent... Any formulas will be helpful
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    Help with Forces: Calculate Horizontal Stopping Force

    I don't know how is exactly that formula, but I find one, maybe it's the same. F=m*a a= (v^2-v_{i}^2)/(2* \Delta x) Now I have other problem Find the stopping distance of that same car when it is traveling up a 19.9° slope, and it locks its wheels while traveling at 33.5 m/s...
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    Help with Forces: Calculate Horizontal Stopping Force

    Help with forces! I need help with this, I've been trying but I don't understand it. Can anyone help me? :frown: :confused: A 830.0 kg car traveling on a level road at 27.0 m/s (60.5 mi/hr) can stop, locking its wheels, in a distance of 61.0 m (200.1 ft). Find the size of the horizontal...
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    Forces, magnitude and acceleration

    Can you help me with the formula? I've been trying but I don't get it.
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    Forces, magnitude and acceleration

    Can someone help me please, with this problem? :cry: I don't understand it :confused: A 42.9 kg girl and a 54.8 kg boy are on the surface of a frozen lake, 15.0 m apart. Using a rope, the girl exerts a horizontal 4.35 N force on the boy, pulling him toward her. Calculate the magnitude...