Recent content by Antineutron

  1. A

    Find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block

    No. Read again, this part. It must have done some work? What did the bullet do work on? What kind of collision is it when this occured?
  2. A

    Will Adding Ice to Soda Change the Final Temperature?

    Although the sum of all the Q's are 0, make sure you put the correct sign for each Q. They are not all positive.
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    What Temperature Allows a Ring to Slide Off a Sphere?

    alpha's do matter, even if they are from a table. If they both had same materials, hence same alphas, that ring will never come off! Length initial of sphere equals .0005 times Length initial of ring added to length initial of ring. can you take it from here?
  4. A

    What is the Potential of a Given Function Independent of Path?

    \frac{\partial f}{\partial z} = -3x^2z^2 = -3x^2z^2 + \frac{\partial h}{\partial z} \Rightarrow h(z) = 0 Im having trouble with latex, but your partial f over partial z which is -3x^2z^2 = -3x^2z^2 + partial h over partial z. so, h(z) = 0=g(y,x)
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    As you move away from a lightsource

    explain why you believe it would stay the same.
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    Find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block

    okay so, you start out with kinetic energy of the bullet then you hit the wood of certain mass, that slows down the bullet, but it slows down by raising the wood and bullet up some hight. then after that the bullet comes out of the wood at lower kinetic energy thus comes out slower then...
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    What Temperature Allows a Ring to Slide Off a Sphere?

    what material is the sphere and what material is the ring? What does that tell you about alpha value for each one? also on started out at what length in regards to the other? The change plus the initial value for each material should equal each other right?
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    Find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block

    Okay think about you started out with this much energy then you had to spend that energy on other things then how much energy do you have left?
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    Two vectors in 3D, always form a plane?

    You can have a vector as long as it begins from a point and end at a another point right? Thats what I get from vector formulas. It is not required for a vector to start at the an origin right? Is that what you mean?
  10. A

    What Temperature Allows a Ring to Slide Off a Sphere?

    use alpha for both because the size of sphere is proportional to the diameter. as the diameter gets larger or smaller the smaller the sphere's surface area gets. right? so you can use alpha for the shere and the right and make the lengths equal each other like you said.
  11. A

    Evaluating Integral with Partial Fractions: x^2-x/(x^2-1)^2

    I don't know what to say... I agree, the limit of 1 messes it up. maybe the person that made up the problem made a mistake?:confused:
  12. A

    Evaluating Integral with Partial Fractions: x^2-x/(x^2-1)^2

    no because underneath the (x+1) is not an irreducible quadratic factor Here is one that is irreducible x^2+1 try to factor it
  13. A

    Converging vs Diverging Series: Understanding the Root Test

    if you just try to simplify and do the limits the denomintor goes to 1 and the top alternates from -1 to 1 and back and forth.