Recent content by anuj

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    Interfering with Time: Light Waves Explained

    earlier site address not ok, see
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    Interfering with Time: Light Waves Explained

    For further details, please visit this site The question I posted under this tread was Is it possible to interfere two light waves in the time domain? Does anyone has come across an experiment like this? 1. Treat...
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    Interference in time using double slit

    Recently Paulus and his team had reported observation of interference in time. It is a marvellous experiment. But, it appears the work is not fully explained and the experimental results need careful...
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    Interference in time using double slit

    Recently Paulus and his team had reported observation of interference in time. It is a marvellous experiment. But, it appears the work is not fully explained and the experimental results need careful...
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    Interference in time using double slit

    Recently Paulus and his team had reported observation of interference in time. It is a marvellous experiment. But, it appears the work is not fully explained and the experimental results need careful...
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    Double slit experiment IN TIME

    I had started a thread 'Interference in Time' on this topic last year
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    Interference of Light Waves in Time Domain

    This thread was started in July 04 with the view to understand if interference in time is possible. I am surprised to see that a group of scientists have recently observed this effect. One can see the site
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    Can we create or destroy information

    Let me take the discussion to a more fundamental lavel. We know that every effect needs a cause to create it. And every effect is a cause in itself for the subsequent effects. Those who know the Huygens principle (wave theory of light) can easily understand it. The principle says that every...
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    Can we create or destroy information

    We know that the energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be converted into another form. Does the same also applies to information. Is it possible to create the information out of nothing or destroy it completely without leaving a trace of it. This question is with regard to the...
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    Is Consciousness Just the Result of Electrical Activity in Our Brains?

    I agree that at present we need to be worried about the 4 dimensions as we know. From your earlier replies I got the impression that experience has nothing to do with the five body sensors that is eye, ear, nose, tounge and skin. If I correctly understand your views, our experiences are all due...
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    Is Consciousness Just the Result of Electrical Activity in Our Brains?

    If experience is something which need to be felt and cannot be explained, not even thought of, then how do we propose to link the consciousness with the 11 dimensional understanding of the physical universe.
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    Is Consciousness Just the Result of Electrical Activity in Our Brains?

    For a moment, even if it is assumed that thinking isn't necessary to experience our own existence, what is that experience about. Is it having any shape, sound, taste or if not what else. Or is it just a void feeling like a singularity in the universe.
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    Is Consciousness Just the Result of Electrical Activity in Our Brains?

    To experience our own existence, what do we need if not our thinking?
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    Is Consciousness Just the Result of Electrical Activity in Our Brains?

    Possibly, there are three states in which we can understand consciousness. And in all the three states, our mind has to be disassociated from our body. The consciousness is beyond the understanding of our five body sensing organs. It can only be understood by mind and that too an unperturbed...
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    Is Consciousness Just the Result of Electrical Activity in Our Brains?

    No doubt, the consciousness is beyond the materialistic realm. However, it is incorrect to assume that science and sprituality are two milestones on the same road that explains the very existence of human beings. In all probablity, the science and religion both coexist as two separate roads and...