Recent content by Atrus

  1. A

    Overcoming Maths Obstacles: Tips & Advice

    Well, this maybe a long shot, but you can always look at Hilbert's problems or Clay institute millenium problems... Maybe you won't solve any of those (maybe you will ;) ) but they may present you with a direction to take in your thoughts or open the door to an interesting field... Kolmogorov...
  2. A

    Schools Time of Postgraduate School :frown:

    CV, or resume (although some people say that those are different), is a list of your educational and professional experience. It usually also contains contact details and basic info about you, like date of birth. Here's a helpful link Hope you...
  3. A

    Schools Time of Postgraduate School :frown:

    As I recently passed through the whole process, I understand your anxiety (at least that's what radiates from your post :wink: ). My field is EE/ME so I can't assess the quality of the universities you listed in the field of mathematics but... First of all, you can check the university...
  4. A

    Any control engineers out there?

    Go for it! I'm a control engineer, although a fresh one (recently graduated). Well, I don't know what specific area would I recommend for you. However, I can just state that the rest of control engineering is fun as well as that first class you took. You'd be working on a meeting point of...
  5. A

    How Does the Height and Width of a Dam Impact the Force Exerted by Water?

    I don't know if I'm right here, but in your calculations you accounted for the force caused by the hydrostatic pressure of the water held by the dam. If it is a still body of water, then this is the only pressure on the dam and that's it, it doesn't depend on the size of the body of water, just...
  6. A

    Sequence Puzzle: Can You Figure it Out?

    This being a trick question, I guess it is a comma sign ',' ;) Or maybe a number...
  7. A

    Pilot Solves Navigation Problem with Handwritten Sign

    Well, I haven't been to Seattle (yet :) ) and haven't had any contact with any part of MS, so it haven't crossed my mind :)) I heard the variation of the riddle before, but it was more of a joke, with (I think) a guy in a balloon stopping shouting out to find out his location, and he meets a...
  8. A

    Pilot Solves Navigation Problem with Handwritten Sign

    Was it "the math institute" (or similar) as they gave him "completely correct, yet completely useless answer"? :)))
  9. A

    Why No Explosion? The Science Behind Temperature and Pressure in Tires

    Although I'm sure this makes sense to people who know more about this than me, I think the basic reason is explained by AntonVrba and wave. Gas equation takes into account temperature in Kelvin's scale pV = nRT, so tenfold increase wouldn't be 2°C -> 20°C but 275 K (= 2°C) to 2750 K = (2477...
  10. A

    Discover the Pattern: 1, 4, 9, 6, 5, 6, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4

    Yes they do! :) Sequence of differences is 1 3 5 -3 -1 (first number in line being 0), then you flip it and change signs to get 1 3 -5 -3 -1. And then you do it again, so initial sequence appears. As you can see, only the middle number's sign (+-5) is changed. And it fits quite nicely to series...
  11. A

    Discover the Pattern: 1, 4, 9, 6, 5, 6, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4

    I was pretty surprised that this one had two answers. But probably a number theorist wouldn't be. And I'll leave it to one to prove the answers are equivalent ;)
  12. A

    Discover the Pattern: 1, 4, 9, 6, 5, 6, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4

    Next three are 9, 6, 5. Differences between two are antisymmetrical 3, 5, -3, -1, | 1, 3, -5, -3, -1 | 1, 3, _ _ _ If you flip marked section, and invert the signs, you get 1, 3 (already there) and then 5, -3, -1. Last number was 4 so 4 +5 = 9 -3 = 6 -1 = 5
  13. A

    Fourier Series Question: Express q(t) as a Fourier Expansion

    Well, your results are equivalent :)) I'm poor at LaTeX, but I'll try to explain. First, there is a typo in a final result (I suspect it is a typo), there should be q(t) = Q\left[\frac{1}{2} + \frac{2}{\pi^2} \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{\cos nt (\cos (n\pi)-1)}{n^2}\right] (notice the...
  14. A

    Frequency Response of Amplifiers (BJT and FET transistors)

    I'm not sure what do you refer to as open/short circuit methods for determining time constants, probably because we may use some different names for the same methods in my language, or maybe because I forgot all about them. Still, I'll try to help (these are my assumptions of your actual...
  15. A

    Problems with FFT: Seeking Help for Senior Project

    I just thought about what I wrote (I should do that BEFORE writing, right?). Well, since FFT (DFT) transform results with spectrum of periodic signal whose one period is the original sequence, it doesn't matter if the sequence is causal or not, FFT "percieves" it as periodic to + and -...