Recent content by awais1985

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    Selection of batteries and cars for a thermodynamics problem

    Homework Statement 1) You are responsible for selecting automobiles that will be used in your company’s fleet. The vehicle that you select has the following combined wind drag and rolling friction force during average operation conditions. The relationship for this force is Ff = (0.0214m +...
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    How to Determine Power Output and Energy Storage Over Time?

    okay, so i am totally confused now. I thought power and energy the same thing basically with the exception that power gives the amount of energy per time. So, how can energy be negative if power reaches zero? I am sorry i am annoying you repeatedly.
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    How to Determine Power Output and Energy Storage Over Time?

    Can i equate Energies? t=0; Energy = 8.1 × 108 J t=1; Energy = a0 – b/2 + c 8.1 × 108 J = a0 – b/2 + c 1.1 × 105 = b/2 b= 5500
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    How to Determine Power Output and Energy Storage Over Time?

    Energy = a0t – bt2/2 + c Will this mean that c is 8.1 × 10^8? I still don't know how will i calculate b? This problem is frustrating!
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    How to Determine Power Output and Energy Storage Over Time?

    Also, if i consider the ao term , how can i write 8.1 × 10^8 in its place? at t=1; Energy = 8.1 × 108 – b/2
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    How to Determine Power Output and Energy Storage Over Time?

    Thanks man. Yes, i corrected that and i got Energy = a0t –bt^2/2 So here is the thing..when i put t=0 comes out to zero whereas we are given that energy at the start is 8.1 × 108 J. i am not understanding this.
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    How to Determine Power Output and Energy Storage Over Time?

    I was working on the following problem: Determine the power output as a function of time from an energy storage device for a four hour discharge period when it is known that for this type of system the power is a linear function of time, (Power) = a0 - bt, where a0 = 1.1(105) W, b is a constant...