Recent content by Bloodthunder

  1. B

    How Is the Work Done by Friction Calculated on an Inclined Plane?

    You are posting this in the wrong forum. Anyway, find the work done by the force, then find the work done to bring it from a lower to a higher region, to increase the velocity, etc. , and just minus off all of them to find the work done to overcome friction.
  2. B

    Does marbles have friction or not?

    If there is no friction, the marble will just slide along the surface without any rolling. Friction is what is "pulling" the bottom of the ball, causing the top of the ball to fall, which makes it roll.
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    Why is the Sky Blue? Exploring the Science Behind This Stunning Phenomenon
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    Why is the Sky Blue? Exploring the Science Behind This Stunning Phenomenon

    not quite. Pure water appears blue because it is intrinsically blue.
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    Kraft Veggie Pasta: "Veggie" but Wheat Flour is 1st Ingredient

    Chinese stir-fry vegetables with chopped garlic. Regardless of which country you are in, still the best tasting anywhere.
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    How do electrons revolve around in molecule bonded by covalent bonds?

    You can see the "fuzzy cloud" in this link.
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    What is a Subshell in Chemistry? What do you understand and not understand?
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    How can I make hydrochloric acid at home? Otherwise, make yourself vomit and extract/purify the HCl. Why do you want to make it anyway? If you want a strong acid, the other acids are easier to get.
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    Understanding Polyatomic Ions: Sulfite & Sulfate

    You can see the ions here and how they are bonded, giving them their charge. Google is your friend.
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    Chemical Bonding: Does CN Neutral Exist?

    Does CN neutral exist? No. Free -CN radicals do exists, but as said, they are free radicals and have a single electron on them. Giving them an overall charge. if it will their will be a triple bond but their will be 1 single electron left in the carbon atom "There". Not "their". now if...
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    Calculating Precipitate Mass: How Much Can Form in a Chemical Reaction?

    What is the precipitate formed? What is the ratio of reactants to products? (e.g. if A + 2B --> B2A, then B : B2A is 2 : 1) Knowing this you can solve.
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    Question about semiconductors' holes.

    Localization means that an electron/hole is associated with an atom/molecule. Don't quite get what is mobile + localized.
  13. B

    Odor absorbtion of baking soda

    Baking soda is weakly alkaline, hence it can react with odors with acidic origins and neutralize them. You could put in water to use.
  14. B

    I'm looking to build a small particle accelerator for a science fair

    This. Maybe you could start smaller, like a railgun?
  15. B

    Evolution & Mutation: Electrical Engineer Explores

    Wikipedia is a decent place to start.