Recent content by BNoelCMU

  1. B

    Backup Generator for 90 Apartments: Is My Understanding Right?

    What you need is a droop setting on the governor of your engine. When you parallel to the grid, you'll need a synchroscope to make sure you're in phase with the grid before closing the breaker connecting the generator output to the grid. Most utilities will adjust the governor of the engine to...
  2. B

    Why Does Changing Intervals and Arguments Affect Convolution Integrals?

    The reason the integration limits change is because you're convolving two pulses that are only defined from -1 to +1, so the convolution is just 0 for all intervals other than -1 to +1.
  3. B

    Magnetic Force on a Vertically Moving Electron Near the Equator

    It's just simply F = q(vxB). The right hand rule always works, ALWAYS, you just have to keep in mind what the charge on the electron is (negative or positive?). The right hand rule works every time. That is why it is a rule.
  4. B

    Understanding Electromagnetics with Limited Time: A First Assignment Dilemma

    To solve the first problem, you need to use Gauss's Law, which is ACTUALLY div D = rho. So, take the divergence of D, in spherical coordinates (it should be somewhere in your EM book, or you can find it in a multivariable calculus book). You will end up with an expression that is a function of...
  5. B

    Aaah - sin(wt) - time or frequency domain?

    I believe the convention is that w is in radians per second. Of course, if you're going to play with this on your calculator, you must make sure you're using the right units (radians or degrees). But to answer your question, yes the constant is always the angular frequency.
  6. B

    Should High School Students Memorize Everyday Facts?

    I had a physiology teacher that told us after the first test that when you get an answer for a diffusion coefficient that is something like 5000 cm^2/s, your BS detector should go off and you should redo the problem. So, I would agree that an elementary understanding of how basic quantities...
  7. B

    Why Is a Voltmeter Connected in Parallel?

    In order to understand this you have to think about what each meter is measuring. I'll assume you know and understand what the ammeter is measuring, so we won't go over that. The voltmeter, of course, measures voltage. If you remember back to your first physics class, voltage was defined as...