Recent content by captainjack

  1. C

    Speed of a ball rolling down an incline

    Thank you so much (: figured it was some super important rule I was forgetting XP
  2. C

    Speed of a ball rolling down an incline

    Homework Statement A hollow basketball rolls down a 30\circ incline. If it starts from rest, what is its speed after it's gone 8.4 m along the incline? Homework Equations v=\omegaR The Attempt at a Solution I don't really know where to start with this. I've done similar problems, but I was...
  3. C

    Force of an elevator on person riding it

    Homework Statement An elevator accelerates constantly upward from rest and passes the second floor, 5.00 m above the first floor, 1.65 s after it passes the first floor. What force does the floor of the elevator exert on a 48.0 kg passenger? Assume the elevator starts from rest at the ground...