Recent content by choyphin

  1. C

    What is the orbital distance for a satellite with a 125 min period around Earth?

    Is the answer 106.6 KM? Thanks so much for the explanations by the way!
  2. C

    What is the orbital distance for a satellite with a 125 min period around Earth?

    I did that, but still got an unreasonable answer: 2.6x10^26
  3. C

    What is the orbital distance for a satellite with a 125 min period around Earth?

    Homework Statement At what distance about Earth would a satellite have a period of 125 min? G=6.673x10^-11 T=125 Min Mass=5.97x10^24 Radius of Earth=6.38*10^6 Homework Equations T=2pi*Square root of (R^3/constant*mass) The Attempt at a Solution 125=2*3.14*Square root of...
  4. C

    Question regarding distance traveled up an incline?

    How would you incorporate gravitational PE? and also, would the formula d = vi^2 / [2g(sin30 + ucos30)] work?
  5. C

    Question regarding distance traveled up an incline?

    Homework Statement After a bobsled race, the sled and riders have been partially slowed down up in an icy incline, but they need to be brought to a stop. This happens on a portion of track inclined at 30 degrees that has a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.60. The sled enters the incline at...
  6. C

    Solve Bobsled Problem: Find How Far Does It Travel Up a 30 Degree Incline

    ok so using the formula 1/2vi^2=FG(cos 30) d and solving for D, in which i got 88.28, would that be correct?
  7. C

    Solve Bobsled Problem: Find How Far Does It Travel Up a 30 Degree Incline

    I got as far as finding the resultant force for the vectors, which i got was 2000N, but that's as far as i got.
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    Solve Bobsled Problem: Find How Far Does It Travel Up a 30 Degree Incline

    how would you set up the equation? and also I am sort of clueless on how to find how far the sled goes... sorry.
  9. C

    Solve Bobsled Problem: Find How Far Does It Travel Up a 30 Degree Incline

    Homework Statement After a bobsled race, the sled and riders have been partially slowed down up in an icy incline, but they need to be brought to a stop. This happens on a portion of track inclined at 30 degrees that has a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.60. The sled enters the incline at...
  10. C

    Proving Acceleration of a Cart on an Inclined Plane | Physics Lab Homework Help

    Why is it acceptable that you add another vector (g*sin of theta)?
  11. C

    Proving Acceleration of a Cart on an Inclined Plane | Physics Lab Homework Help

    Homework Statement In a lab in physics, we were asked to roll a cart down an inclined plane. How would you prove that the acceleration of cart over SINE of theta (the angle of the incline) is equal to gravity? (A hint equation was given of the Net Force parallel= mass times acceleration...