Recent content by cissablecat23

  1. C

    What is the Distance Between Two Masses When a Spring is Fully Stretched?

    A mass, m1 = 9.04 kg, is in equilibrium while connected to a light spring of constant k = 122 N/m that is fastened to a wall A second mass, m2 = 7.31 kg, is slowly pushed up against mass m1, compressing the spring by the amount A = 0.220 m The system is then released, and both masses start...
  2. C

    How Does Acceleration Affect the Period of a Simple Pendulum?

    #2 is different from #1... it's.. a small block on a big block.. and the big block has a spring attached to it.. the coefficient of static friction was..0.630.. they want to know what's the maximum amplitude of the oscillation so that the little block doesn't slip.. f= 1.52 Hz AND for...
  3. C

    How Does Acceleration Affect the Period of a Simple Pendulum?

    it was a picture with a big block on the bottom.. a small block on the top.. with a spring attached to it.. i got the first part of the question.. it was T=2pi sqrt(l/g+a) but i cannot get the second part of it... with it acclerating horizontally..
  4. C

    How Does Acceleration Affect the Period of a Simple Pendulum?

    1a)A simple pendulum is 4.35 m long. What is the period of simple harmonic motion for this pendulum if it is hanging in an elevator that is accelerating upward at 5.90 m/s2? b)What is the period of simple harmonic motion for this pendulum if it is placed in a truck that is accelerating...
  5. C

    How Does Acceleration Impact the Period of a Pendulum's Simple Harmonic Motion?

    i did start... 1) l=4.35 m a= 5.90 m/s/s w^2=g/l w^2=9.80/4.35 w^2= 2.252873563 then i have to find T.. but i don't know what formula to use... 2) w=2(pie)f w-2(pie)(1.52 Hz) w= 9.5504 and i don't know what else to do
  6. C

    Calculating Work Done: 16.0-kg Shopping Cart at a Constant Velocity

    b)w(friction) should be force of friction*displacement..since the angle is zero c) work done by gravity is zero because there is no up or down movement of the cart a) F(applied)=mgcos(theta) d) w=F(applied)*d I think. LoL
  7. C

    How Does Acceleration Impact the Period of a Pendulum's Simple Harmonic Motion?

    1a)A simple pendulum is 4.35 m long. What is the period of simple harmonic motion for this pendulum if it is hanging in an elevator that is accelerating upward at 5.90 m/s2? b)What is the period of simple harmonic motion for this pendulum if it is placed in a truck that is accelerating...