Recent content by cjellison

  1. C

    Can I Change My Nick to "spottedPaint"?

    Thanks. Did you send this PM? With the new year, I'd like to take care of this.
  2. C

    Can I Change My Nick to "spottedPaint"?

    I sent a PM to Greg back in Nov. This is a very simple request, and Greg has made a number of posts to various forums since I sent my original PM. What is the hold up here? It should take no more than 5 minutes...
  3. C

    Can I Change My Nick to "spottedPaint"?

    Can I get my nick changed to "spottedPaint"? Thanks.
  4. C

    Expansion for Tan x about Pi/2

    Additional Question When I see a function: tan z How can determine, by inspection only, what order the pole is? It is simple to do for polynomials. This particular example would be enlightening...I had to find the series to determine the order of the pole. For something like...
  5. C

    Expansion for Tan x about Pi/2

    Hmm... Sorry perhaps I should have spoken correctly. How do I find the series expansion of tan x about pi/2? Mathematica input "Series[Tan[x],{x,Pi/2,3}]" gives: [tex] -\frac{1}{x-\pi/2} + \frac{1}{3}\left(x - \frac{\pi}{2}\right) + \frac{1}{45}\left(x - \pi/2\right)^3 + \cdots...
  6. C

    Contour Integral with Branch Cut

    Thanks again. Sorry for so many questions...I'm still trying to get a handle on my classes (physics) we learned contour integration without really discussing branch points. So, is it still true that \cos \left( \frac{\pi a}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i}...
  7. C

    Contour Integral with Branch Cut

    I think I got it...we are trying to restrict our numbers between 0 and 2 the log z must be restricted to 0 and 2 pi (since alpha is less than 1).
  8. C

    Contour Integral with Branch Cut

    Thanks. So the error was in the way I instructed Mathematica to obtain a numerical answer...yet another lesson that Mathematica must be used carefully. Can you explain a little more about your comments with the log? I don't understand how that comes into play...since I wasn't using logs...
  9. C

    Contour Integral with Branch Cut

    Hi, I've typed up my work. Please see the attached pdf. Basically, I am trying to sovle this problem. \int_0^\infty \frac{x^\alpha}{x^2+b^2} \mathrm{d}x for 0 <\alpha < 1. I follow the procedure given in Boas pg 608 (2nd edition)...and everything seems to work. However, when I...
  10. C

    Roots and complex numbers

    There are n nth roots to every complex number (except zero). My question: How many "roots" are there when you take a complex number to an irrational or transcendental number. For that matter, how do we define raising a number to an irrational number? How do we define raising a number to a...
  11. C

    Charge Conservation: Understanding Klein-Gordon Equation

    I'm not disputing the result; I'm seeking an explanation as to why I should expect charge to be locally conserved in light of the fact the QM is a nonlocal theory. That fact that the result can be dervied mathematically, in a variety of ways, does not answer this question (at least in my humble...
  12. C

    Modules with multiple operators

    Consider the set of 2x2 matrices which form a ring under matrix multiplication and matrix addition. \mathbb{R}^3 is module defined over this ring. So, we have three dimensional vectors whose elements are 2x2 matrices. My question: Can I also define another "scalar multiplication" that...
  13. C

    Charge Conservation: Understanding Klein-Gordon Equation

    So, I was just introduced to the Klein-Gordon equation. I've been asked to derive the continuity equation for charge density and current density. I am having trouble understanding this. If I were to derive a continuity equation involving charge, doesn't this say that charge is conserved...
  14. C

    Stationary States: Exploring the Double-Slit Experiment

    Stationary States and Uncertainty I have a question related to stationary states and the uncertainty principle. Stationary states have definite energy. That is, the standard deviation in the energy is zero. In regards to the uncertainty principle, the usual interpretation is that the...
  15. C

    What Are the Limitations of Multiplying Delta Functions in Quantum Mechanics?

    Hi, I am not seeking a "complete" treatment of distribution functions (like Gelfand or Schwartz). However, I would like some discussion in regards to multiplying delta functions together---especially in QM. From the little I have discovered, distributions do not form an algebra, and thus...