Recent content by Decker

  1. D

    Uncovering the Physics Behind a Cannon: US Army's Elevation Formula Revealed

    here is a cruddy pic to try to explain what I am saying for the sake of simplifacation we can eliminate wind direction and wind speed.
  2. D

    Uncovering the Physics Behind a Cannon: US Army's Elevation Formula Revealed

    the range is neer going to be over 400 feet at sheer most. But what I am getting at is i find these varibles and plug them into the equation and it should produce a number which is between 0 and 90deg.
  3. D

    Uncovering the Physics Behind a Cannon: US Army's Elevation Formula Revealed

    Gaaa big words, I am sorry but I am already a lil lost and yes i think i forgot wind resistance
  4. D

    Uncovering the Physics Behind a Cannon: US Army's Elevation Formula Revealed

    Ok now I am new to the whole physics thing so that's y I am here. Ok well I know that there is a fomula that the US army has developed to figure out the elevation in degrees that a cannon should be pointed to land a round on a specefic target, But I am having a problem finding this formula. I...