Recent content by dur

  1. D

    What is a good subject for my first physics project?

    Hi ZapperZ, I'm not ask to do ma work, my question is how can I find the good subject to start doing my physics project...thank you Hi danger, thank you My regard
  2. D

    What is a good subject for my first physics project?

    Hi Danger, I'm trying to accomplish a physics project, and my subject is torque . Thees is the subject I have to work with it. I'm a college student ,and I live on Mississippi state (U.S.A). My subject not about the mechanics ,its about Torque= arm lever. force (T=RF). I need some Torque's...
  3. D

    What is a good subject for my first physics project?

    Hi Danger, I have to do a project for my physic's professor, and my project about the torque, so I think I need some pectures, and a good subjects to make my project very good. I'm studying a College Physics . Danger, can you pease tell me here is the shop manual ?
  4. D

    What is a good subject for my first physics project?

    Please if anyone can help me with my torque project. I need some subjects, and pecturs to finsh it. This is my first project to do, and I hope that well done. I look on the physic's site, but I afraid of any matter appropriately chosen. Thank you
  5. D

    Maximizing Axe Swing: Acceleration, Centripital Force, and Impact Calculations"

    you have to use some formulas to solve this problem, and check you book to find the formulas. Thank you
  6. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    Hi Shooting star, you are correct. We solve the problem today. thank you so much.:smile:
  7. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    Hi Shooting star, Howcom we use (-9.8) when the object go down? I'm a college student, I study college physics (seventh edition) so we use - 9.0 on chapter 3 when any object go down. Just check and tell me. Thank you
  8. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    Hi , and thanks alot. Shooting star, I usa -9.8 becuase the box slope down. Mephisto thanks you for the link you gave me, and I think slove the problem like above on replay #11. than you
  9. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    Hi Shooting star, sin(20)=.342 .3429(-9.8)=3.352 I don't know if I have correct answeer. This problem confused me so bad:confused:
  10. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    Hello , shooting star and Silently loud. Thank you so much>>> both. I use cos, because the box sloped 20 degree horizontal. Silently I have no force how can I use F=ma?? I don't understand that. Thank you
  11. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    Thank you Siracuse. because the box plane that is sloped 20 degree above the horizontal I think, I have to use cos. cos(20)=.940 .940(-9.8m/s)=-9.212 I don't know if that's correct. yes I learn all of Newton's laws.
  12. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    thank you so much Siracuse. The formulas I have on my book a=f/m but how can i solve ?? and I have no force and mass. thank you
  13. D

    Solving a Box Sliding Down a 20 Degree Sloped Plane: Finding Acceleration

    I need help with my problem! a box slides down a frictionless plane that is sloped 20 degree above the horizontal. Find the acceleration of the box. [COLOR="Red"]can anyone help me to solve this problem