Recent content by eddzzz_2011

  1. E

    Daily output of NO from power plant.

    Assume air is 21% O2 and is at STP (273 K, 1.00 atm) From the stoichiometry of the reaction C + 02 --> CO2 the mass of 02 needed is given by: Mass O2 = 10,000 tonne x (32 tonne O2/ 12 tonne C) 2.67 x 10^4 tonne O2 Stoichiometric mass air 2.67 x 10^4 tonne/0.21 = 1.27 x 10^5 tonne air...
  2. E

    Daily output of NO from power plant.

    Ignore post above (wrong) 1 mole of air contains 0.21 moles of oxygen so 3.9*10^9 moles of air contain 8.19*10^8 moles of oxygen there's 10% extra air, so you need 1.209*10^9 moles 100/1000000 parts of the exhaust is NO, so this is 1.209*10^5 moles, which weigh 3.638*10^6g...
  3. E

    Grams of gasoline needed to raise level of CO in air.

    Homework Statement Assume that an incorrectly adjusted lawn mower is operated in a garage such that the combustion reaction in the engion is C8H8. If the dimentions of the garage are 5x3x3 meters. How many grams of gasoline must be burned to raide the levl of CO in the air to 1000ppm by...
  4. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    Ok. Thanks for all of your help
  5. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    Ah I want volume in m^3 yet it is in cm^3. so that's a factor of 10^-6. so 1cm^3 = 1*10^-6 m^3 n= (193.544*1*10^-6)/(8.314*273) n= 8.53 * 10^-8 So to work out number of molecules I have to times the number of moles by 6.022x10^23 number of molecules = 8.53 * 10^-8 * 6.022x10^23 =...
  6. E

    Daily output of NO from power plant.

    Yeah shouldn't of put it in that way. Ill put it in a clearer way in future. 1 mole of air contains 0.21 moles of oxygen so 3.9*10^9 moles of air contain 8.33 *10^8 moles of oxygen there's 10% extra air, so you need 3.57*10^9 moles 100/1000000 parts of the exhaust is NO, so this...
  7. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    What I wrote seems fairly understandable to me. But I emailed the teacher and it is e^(-x) so ignore that one. Ok so the answer I have is 193.544. Then n=PV/RT n= (193.544*1)/(8.314*273) n= 0.086 air molecules per cubic centimeter of air @ 50km?
  8. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    right I understand the kg part. And the equation i mean is it e to the power or e-. ie e^(-x) or e(-x). Edit: I will be back on later tonight.
  9. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    I know you said that 28.97 g mol-1 is not in its SI units? I don't know what to convert it to. Also the equation is Ph = P0e(-Mgh/RT) and not Ph = P0e^-Mgh/RT isn't it?
  10. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    right. using n=PV/RT V=1cm^3 = 1*10^-6m^3 R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1 T = 273K P @ 50km = ? Have to find Ph Plug in values into Ph = P0e^-Mgh/RT Ph = 101325e^-(28.97*9.81*50000/8.314*273) I keep getting a value of 0 for this.
  11. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    Surely I must have got that the wrong way round of P0 and Ph. Which equation do I use? Do I use "log(Ph) = -[Mgh*10^5/2.303RT]" or "Ph = P0e^-Mgh/RT" I have attached a copy of the handout for you to have a little look at for that last equation. I noticed the teacher took log instead what I think...
  12. E

    Daily output of NO from power plant.

    10,000 metric tons = 10 000 000 000 grams. (1.0 * 10^10) 1 mole of C = 832.58 moles 1 mole of NO = 832.58 moles So the equation would be: (1.0*10^10 grams of C) / 12.0108 g/mol x (1/1) x (44.0096 g/mol) x (100/ 10000) = 366416891.5 grams of NO?? Sorry I really don't understand this one
  13. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    I did write down pressure at 50km = 75.944 Pa. But this is incorrect. I may have used the equation n = PV but n = number of moles and would be useless, wouldn't it? --- RT Ok. I've just found another equation in my handout I have been given...
  14. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    Ph = pressure at any given height. M = 28.97 g mol^-1 g = 9.81 ms^-2 R = 8.314 J K^-1 mol^-1 P0 = pressure at sea level for ... 75.944 x 1 x 10^-6 Ph = ------------------- ...8.314 x 273
  15. E

    Chemistry Average number of air molecules.

    Homework Statement Hey guys. Hope you can help me out on this one. so here's the question: At an altitude of 50km the average atmospheric temperature is 0^oC. What is the average number of air molecules per cubic centimeter at this altitude. Homework Equations M = 28.97 g mol^-1...