Recent content by edmund cavendish

  1. edmund cavendish

    B Light, Photons, Waves, Particles: Wave-Particle Duality....

    What Einstein described as "spooky action at a distance" i.e quantum entanglement has been shown to be correct. Also cf the measurement problem I am not so sure about the relegation of the oberver in a world of independent objective reality.
  2. edmund cavendish

    I Proving Behavior of Particle in Infinite Potential: Wave Function?

    Wave functions are interesting. Even more so their collapse.
  3. edmund cavendish

    A P vs NP & Godel | A Comprehensive Guide

    Thank you. I was really pondering whether any number of godels unprovable but existing truths that might be proved has any effect on his theorem, in the same way as whether however many instances in Riemann or Goldbach are proved brings us no nearer an absolute answer than when we had one...
  4. edmund cavendish

    A P vs NP & Godel | A Comprehensive Guide

    Thank you. I was thinking specifically about Godels idea of truths in mathematics that existed but couldn't be proved to exist proving one of this categiry to be true may simply leave that set at n minus one, but could there ever be anything in the solving of one instance that did more than...
  5. edmund cavendish

    A P vs NP & Godel | A Comprehensive Guide

    I think the essence is captured above.
  6. edmund cavendish

    How Effective is Credit Card Information Theft?

    Or, can a quantum computer solve p vs np?
  7. edmund cavendish

    I What is the current perspective on quantum interpretation?

    Important to keep this sub thread alive. Only referencing the issue of the observer and the observed Bishop Berkeley via Heisenberg there is plenty to be is to be perceived is still relevant. As Penrose says we may need a whole new physics between the quantum and classical worlds...
  8. edmund cavendish

    B Anthropological Influence on Culture: Exploring the Observer Paradox

    Referring to the OP surely the point is not that the particle has no position before being measured but that it has multiple super positions. Shrodingers equation functioning quite happily whoever may or may not be looking. Enjoying the posts.
  9. edmund cavendish

    A Criteria for a good quantum interpretation

    Bishop Berkeley "to be is to be perceived" a foundation of idealist philosophy. I have always seen a connection between Berkeley and QM. Measurement resolves superpositions into a definite state. Are qbits spin or no spin? Dr Johnson kicked a rock to refute idealism, he did it didn't; in my view...
  10. edmund cavendish

    I The need for a "conscious observer"

    Bishop Berkeley claimed that "esse est percipe" to be is to be perceived. His view was that in the absence of a human observation, God 's perception sustained the universe This may come from a different angle but it takes the argument beyond the necessity of human observation. Arguably whatever...
  11. edmund cavendish

    I Consciousness and quantum mechanics

    In the early stages of this discussion Sir Roger Penrose's name was mentioned. Given his views on the relationship between QM and the origins of consciousness it seemed that they deserved a bit more of an airing hence the link and extract from the article below. I personally feel that a lot of...
  12. edmund cavendish

    B Quantum computer vs supercomputer performance

    Is not the advantage of the quantum computer not the outperforming of "traditional " computers beating them at their own game but beating them at a different game where the ability to hold multiple superpositions is employed?
  13. edmund cavendish

    B Roger Penrose's need for a physics Grey area

    Many discussions of the so called measurement problem seem to run up against the buffers of the uncertainty of what exisfs ? In the grey area between mjcro and macro scopic. Is there a zone a closing door of some new physics?
  14. edmund cavendish

    A Realism from Locality? Bell's Theorem & Nonlocality in QM

    Even if entanglement is " done locally" the point I think is that the "effect" of one entangled photon on the other occurs at a speed faster than the speed of light hence must be non local. This also raises issues about collapse or not of the wave function since quantum entanglement allows for...
  15. edmund cavendish

    A Realism from Locality? Bell's Theorem & Nonlocality in QM

    Is quantum entanglement spooky action at a distance? There seems to be an increasing amount of evidence to support it. Surely early two slit photon experiments at least prefigure the idea not even of measurement or even non measurement having an effect at a distance?