Recent content by Efrain

  1. E

    Is a Molten Uranium Fast Breeder Reactor Feasible?

    I agree with you. 233U produced from Thorium can run with high neutron yield on the thermal or fast neutron spectrum and can perform very good on a fast breeder reactor. The main reason for using Plutonium and Uranium is the spent fuel legacy from light and heavy water reactors. The second...
  2. E

    Is a Molten Uranium Fast Breeder Reactor Feasible?

    A tungsten hyper speed coating can also be researched. The hyper speed W atoms literally fuse into the reactor metal alloy and may provide a flexible corrosion layer. I do not remember which company does this coating process.
  3. E

    Is a Molten Uranium Fast Breeder Reactor Feasible?

    I try to access Astronuc reference with no success. I find two references related to this topic: 1-CONSTITUTION OF URANIUM AND THORIUM ALLOYS 2-Elemental Solubility Tendency for the Phases of Uranium by Classical...
  4. E

    Can 7Li Replace Na in Fast Breeder Reactors?

    Thank you Astronuc for your answer. Even when the 7Li is more expensive I see a lot of advantages over sodium. For me the greatest advantage is that if a leak occurs on a nuclear-gas brayton turbine configuration, the compressed air can be bypassed from the heat exchanger to the...
  5. E

    Can 7Li Replace Na in Fast Breeder Reactors?

    7Li can be used instead on Na on a fast breeder reactor?