Recent content by FryerMath

  1. F

    Sum of Numbers with distinct digiits?

    Petek, you were correct! Thank you! I verified the solution with a collegue. I summed the values up to be 24887520
  2. F

    Sum of Numbers with distinct digiits?

    Sorry, No. There are 4536 numbers with each valuing above 1000. So, the SUM must be at least 4536,000 (BUT it is more!).
  3. F

    Sum of Numbers with distinct digiits?

    No, sorry. The digits of the numbers have to be distinct doing what you explained would be a lot easier though just use n(n+1)/2 from 1-10,000 and then again from 1-1000 and subtract the second from the first
  4. F

    Sum of Numbers with distinct digiits?

    No. Do it analytically please.
  5. F

    Sum of Numbers with distinct digiits?

    I need to find the sum of all 4536 numbers with distinct digits from 1000 to 10000 (so 4 digit numbers). Now, I developed a primary method for a solution but its too time consuming! anybody have any clever ideas?