Recent content by GabrielLight

  1. GabrielLight

    I About gravitational binding energy and kinetic energy

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the kinetic energy that is conserved non-reference frame dependent?
  2. GabrielLight

    I About gravitational binding energy and kinetic energy

    If a celestial body's kinetic energy (say, the Moon's) surpassed the energy necessary to exceed the gravitational binding energy (GBE), would said body break apart because of it? For example, the Moon is currently orbiting the Earth at a speed of 1020 meters per second, giving it a kinetic...
  3. GabrielLight

    Question regarding pressure and energy

    I'm referring to pressure as in atm, pascals and PSI, and energy as in joules or watts. Can pressure be converted to energy in some way? I'm aware of the existence of "pressure energy", which is joules per volume, but it's not what I mean. For example, if a pressure of 100,000 atm is exerted...