Recent content by gerrardz

  1. G

    Brine Electrolysis: Why Is the Solution Turning Yellowish?

    possible either Cl2 produced or presence of NaOH to cause corrosion on the conducting wire esp it contains Fe and iron(III) compound is reddish/brown/yellow ? Can carry out simple analytical test on iron(III) ion ? hopefully this will help
  2. G

    Question about the Pauli exclusion principle.

    Should i forward a conclusion that linear combination of the spin functions of the electron cannot be done: that means ultimately there are only 2 possible spin states for an electron ! Anyone can further comment this ?
  3. G

    Can an operator change a wave equation without changing the system?

    May i try to explain the above facts in simple english ? Kindly confirm if i am right to understand all this eigen entities. For a given allowed wavefunction, there is a specific operator when applied on it. yield a series of unique constants k (or may be just a single value). And these k's...
  4. G

    Normalization coefficient of sp2 hybrid orbital

    thanks God, i managed to answer myself : first by vectorially resolving the p orbitals in trigonal direction, then propose linear combination to s orbital, then apply normalization rule to the wave functions to generate 1st equation , then apply orthogonality of different orbitals to obtain 2nd...
  5. G

    Normalization coefficient of sp2 hybrid orbital

    How to obtain the coefficients of normalized wavefunction for the hybrid orbital in sp2 hybridization (esp in BH3) , which normally in surds? In what way symmetry affect the linear combination of the atomic orbitals ? Will appreciate if anyone could help or provide some beginning guides , thanks...
  6. G

    Is Electronegativity Applicable to Ions?

    electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom to attract Bonding electrons in a molecule. So i believe that this term is not defined on ION. I believe you are talking about effective nuclear charge, so the arrangement is correct. Electronegativity is a hypothetical value based on...
  7. G

    Fajan's Rules and Electronegativity

    Chemistry is to explain the behaviour of material based on experimental findings. Hence those rules eg Fajan rule and electronegativity are just only general rules try to clarify. Hence if we are given a substance without prior knowledge of it, there is a high risk predicting its nature by using...
  8. G

    Can the concept of hybridization be applied to what we consider ionic,

    In sp2 hybridization, how to obtain the normalization coefficients in the wavefuction of the hybrid orbitals, which always in surds ? Or pls some references? Thanks a lot
  9. G

    Can the concept of hybridization be applied to what we consider ionic,

    Ionic compond involves complete transfer of electron (or its wavefunction) from one atom to another , so hybrization does not apply. Dexter is right. Unless you wish to use Schrodinger equation to work out MO individually around the Anion. Anyone will like to verify my statement ? I am...