Recent content by graywolf27

  1. G

    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction on an Incline

    yeah I have the hang of free body diagrams but I still get confused... I already found the Mk = 0.56 and I'm missing the acceleration of the object. By using the free body diagrams I got Fy= mgsin(theta)+Mkmgcos(theta) =ma then I got for a= gsin(theta)+Mkgcos(theta)
  2. G

    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction on an Incline

    and the kinetic friction value is not given also, and I don't know if the one I got is right Mk=tan(31) Mk=0.601
  3. G

    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction on an Incline

    Basically I have the wrong formulas then... I found out, by re-reading my book that the Fnet = m*a in Newton's Second Law which means that I have to find first the Net Force? I already have the value for mass = 9Kg and the acting forces are the ones who make the object move? Because according to...
  4. G

    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction on an Incline

    Here is the problem: A block is released from rest on an inclined plane and moves 3.5 m during the next 4.8 s at an angle of 31 degrees. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the block? what is the coefficient of Kinetic Friction Muk for the...