Recent content by gronke

  1. G

    Sphereically Symmetric potential well

    Homework Statement A particle that movies in three dimensions is trapped in a deep spherically symmetric potential V(r): V(r) = 0 at r < r_{}0 --> ∞ at r ≥ r_{}0 where r_{}0 is a positive constant. The ground state wave function is spherically symmetric, so the radial wave function u(r)...
  2. G

    How Do Ladder Operators Relate to the 1-D Quantum Harmonic Oscillator?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I solved part a) correctly, I believe, giving me ψ = e^{-(√(km)/\hbar)x^{2}} and a normalization constant A = ((π\hbar)/(km))^{-1/4} I'm having difficulty with part b. I'm not exactly sure how I create a...