Recent content by HankDorsett

  1. H

    Could My Laptop Have Overheated?

    Because it's happened on multiple devices I'm wondering if it may be related to internet connectivity. I have seen some applications that "lock up" systems if they I have an extremely slow connection to the internet. If it happens again or if it's still happening try disabling your network...
  2. H

    B What do they mean when they say something is so many light years away?

    I get a little bit of enjoyment to see that a post from a novice such as myself keeps showing up on the monthly top discussions list.
  3. H

    Ice Ages & Tilting Earth: Separating Fact from Fiction

    I wasn't referring to any reputable climate scientists. Most of what we hear about climate change is from non educated sources and unfortunately they only talk about one issue.
  4. H

    Ice Ages & Tilting Earth: Separating Fact from Fiction

    Thanks for all the responses, it's a lot to go over. All of this seems to prove my belief on climate change, climate science is way more complicated then led to believe.
  5. H

    Ice Ages & Tilting Earth: Separating Fact from Fiction
  6. H

    Ice Ages & Tilting Earth: Separating Fact from Fiction

    I came across an article regarding a study that claimed ice ages correspond with extreme changes in the tilt of the Earth. I'm curious what others think about this. Is this just another unqualified scientific study put out there to confuse the climate change debate? Is the science behind it...
  7. H

    Stargazing What are some good beginner telescopes for under £100?

    To stretch your budget go used. A five to 10-year old top-of-the-line model is better than something new at that price point.
  8. H

    Why are there so few dandelions in North Central Illinois this year?

    Update. After two 90-degree days with rain they started popping up. Unfortunately the 65 degree days following didn't help them seed out.
  9. H

    Using moss to combat CO2 emissions

    Thanks for the replies.
  10. H

    Using moss to combat CO2 emissions

    Please ignore this reply, I forgot I could edit my post.
  11. H

    Using moss to combat CO2 emissions

    I came across a few different articles and social media post that claim moss is far better at absorbing CO2 and other pollutants then trees. The article from the link below claims that a relatively small planter is the equivalent of 250 trees. Is this accurate? If it is, why isn't this more...
  12. H

    Why do I keep finding more new rocks in my garden year after year?

    you never heard of the rock fairies?
  13. H

    Calculators High School Technology education throughout the years

    I just learned yesterday that my high school is offering pilot training for small aircraft. With all they have to offer now I would probably enjoy going back to high school even though I disliked it quite a bit at the time.
  14. H

    Anyone else thought the Moon last night was cool?

    I'll give this a try next full moon. Thanks