Recent content by HBar

  1. HBar

    Proving the Golden Ratio for a W-Shaped Quartic Function

    Through a strange string of events, half of my class ended up having to do this, and the other half didn't. I didn't, but this thread interested me. Anyway, I've been messing around with this a little, and I found a general formula to create a quartic function based on two points of inflection...
  2. HBar

    Viruses: Who Makes Them, Intent, Evolution

    People write viruses with the intent of killing people? Seriously, I don't think virus writers should be compared to bombers. I think the mindset of a bored teenager is different than that of a bomber.
  3. HBar

    Can You Remove Notebook Battery for Safekeeping?

    Yes, the heat is bad for the battery. I'm not sure how much damage the heat can really do, though. This is actually bad for lithium-ion batteries. Completely discharging puts strain on the batteries. The only kind of battery that this is good for are the ones that have "memory." All...
  4. HBar

    Trying to create a logging system

    Here's a script I wrote to create a simple message board for my website. It can be viewed here: .<html> <head><title>hell0 it</title></head> <body> <pre> <a href="index.html">h o m e</a> </pre> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>"...
  5. HBar

    Can Firewalls Protect Computers from Hacking?
  6. HBar

    Java Google GMail Problem: Firewall & JavaScript Issue

    Bloat is different that how much resources a firewall takes up. I consider "bloat" to be unnecessary items (i.e. the graphics). SmoothWall is a very stripped down version of linux. It has a custom kernel compiled specifically for it and has all unnecessary programs taken out of it. So...
  7. HBar

    Help with multiple browser screens

    hittsquad, IE doesn't have tabbed browsing built in. IE doesn't have pop-up blocking built in. IE doesn't have a google search bar built in. If I'm wrong please tell me how to enable these options. I'm aware that you can download 3rd party apps for those features, but I'm pretty sure they...
  8. HBar

    Ready to Play Counter Strike? Let's Go

    TenNen, google is powerful. This was in the description of the first search result:
  9. HBar

    Java Google GMail Problem: Firewall & JavaScript Issue

    No one ever asked for a solution that only works with "single non-networked PC[s]." My claim still stands that there are better options than ZoneAlarm, such as Smoothwall.
  10. HBar

    Java Google GMail Problem: Firewall & JavaScript Issue

    yup, that's what I said That's exactly why it eliminates all of those problems. I'm running it right now and it's protecting all 5 boxes on my network plus a webserver in the DMZ.
  11. HBar

    Ready to Play Counter Strike? Let's Go

    I agree with dduardo. CS is old. Check out UT2004 and Halo. Oh, and people need to stop worshiping CS likes it's a religion. It's a game, it's old, and frankly it's not that good.
  12. HBar

    Help with multiple browser screens

    Sorry, I can't provide an answer to your problem, but I just wanted to say that I also recommend firefox. It has many advantages over IE. -Popup blocking -Tabbed browsing -Bookmark toolbar -Google searchbar -Cross platform (i.e. you can use it on windows, linux, and mac). -Open source...
  13. HBar

    Play around with their computer's port ?

    Duh. :wink: Seriously though, we're all here to ask and answer questions, but when there are hundreds upon hundreds of websites with this information that you can access with a simple google search and you still ask us we get a little cranky.
  14. HBar

    Java Google GMail Problem: Firewall & JavaScript Issue

    I hate to contribute to the derailing of this thread, but I can't resist responding. I have to agree that ZoneAlarm is lacking in the security department. Here are several reasons: -It takes up resources on the host computer. -It runs on the same computer it's protecting. (Opens up problems...
  15. HBar

    When should you buy new technology?

    I agree with swansont's For example, when I wanted to convince my parents that I needed to upgrade my 800mhz computer I bought 2 years ago they were very reluctant. They kept saying that if you buy a new one now it will just become obsolete like your current computer. I've finally convinced...