Recent content by high noon

  1. H

    Pascal's law and variation of pressure with depth

    "Mr. High noon, let me explain the scenario. I have a beaker of four feet height and i fill it with water full to the brim, and I mark three points A, B and C at the top, middle and bottom of the beaker. I presume that the pressure will be same at these points, since pascal's law states that "...
  2. H

    Q: What are the best study materials for understanding Ewald summation?

    I am going to do a year long study, so be it theoretical or computational, if you know of any book that will help me understand the processes of ewald summation please reply. Thanks. here is a small detail of ewald summation- HN
  3. H

    Q: What are the best study materials for understanding Ewald summation?

    I'm doing my masters thesis on ewald summation, I am searching for proper study materials for that... what I have is only papers(which you know doesnot explain everything they do!). It would be of great help if you can find me a few sources.. Please help. Thanks.
  4. H

    Pascal's law and variation of pressure with depth

    go through this-'s_law
  5. H

    Exploring Time & Space: How Close Is Now?

    about those spheres, just assume some radius and velocity and calculate urself if they will reach each-other...
  6. H

    Recommendations for re-learning mathematics?

    quickly go through the MIT ocw math course and their ***. + solutns... I think that will help, will get idea of your course too.