Recent content by Inventive

  1. I

    Potential difference across capacitors

    Hi could you re-attach the circuit drawing ? It is not displaying on my iPhone
  2. I

    Projectile Motion: time it takes for projectile to hit truck

    Ok back to the figure the y-axis is the height of the projectile and truck relative to ground respectively. The x-axis is the horizontal distance covered by the projectile and truck. I don’t see an indicator for tallness but the the point “p” is an arbitrary height as shown on the diagram...
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    Projectile Motion: time it takes for projectile to hit truck

    Hi but it looks like one of two curves is parabolic (concave down) and there would be an eventual point of intersection. I don’t see how both equations are linear because one the two equations has a degree greater than 1. If the lines were straight and at different slopes they may or may not...
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    Projectile Motion: time it takes for projectile to hit truck

    Hi what about approaching the solution graphically. The truck can be represented by a straight line and the projectile follows a curved one. A point of intersection would represent the time of impact
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    Finding the internal resistance of battery

    Thank you for pointing that out. I will look more closely at how the question is being asked in the future. It’s been a while since I have been in college
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    Finding the internal resistance of battery

    Hi I would hope the multimeter has a much greater internal resistance in the voltage measurement mode than 1K. At a 1K internal resistance the meter would likely load the circuit down and give you a false reading. My fluke 87v has a 10 Mega ohm internal resistance. It does not load down most...
  7. I

    Typically where are preconditions checked for methods?

    There is a differentiation between a business rule and the stability of data presented to the business rule. Please clarify your situation that is causing difficulty in checking input variables in the method. I have not run into that. My variables are either database defined or ones that I...
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    Typically where are preconditions checked for methods?

    There are many approaches to handling requirements with methods. In general a method performs a business rule or requirement. Some people like to test the variables before passing them into the method others will do the validation in method. These decisions are (should) be decided during the...
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    Ways to Spin a Flywheel using linear motion

    I used a pressurized water hose to spin a wheel once when I was a kid to study the friction of the bearings on the wheel
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    I What is the solution to the Binary puzzle in World of Warcraft?

    How about taking each group of 8 bits and convert each byte to its equivalent ASCII letter. There might be a phrase or message with the sequence along with the bits that are not eight bits wide
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    How much memorization is needed to learn embedded systems?

    When I was in college, I used assembly language to write copy protection software. That software controlled a 4 phase stepper motor in a hard drive. I would position the read/write head to read and write encrypted on the disk sometimes using a 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 track recording scheme. Each track...
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    Torque for rotating table

    Could you add a top view photo of the workstation?
  13. I

    PHP What programming language is used to store Bank Acct's/money?

    In languages such as C#, the programmer can take advantage of object abstraction. A persons bank information is stored in a RDMS database which is a relational layer for account processing and data security security layer. The choice of the programming language is then independent of the...
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    How much memorization is needed to learn embedded systems?

    Not to be critical here, but when it comes to programming, learning concepts of language in conjunction with the syntax is best. Just because you have the syntax memorized that does not automatically mean you can write code skillfully. The syntax knowledge comes with the practice. For example...
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    I What are partial differential equations?

    The answer to your question is true. For example, U(x,t) is a function that depends on x and t. X and t are independent. Do you think is possible for a dependent function to have derivatives as functions?