Recent content by John Mario

  1. J

    News Sarah Palin: Will She Run for President in 2012?

    I consider the Tea Party's focus on 2012 to be counter-productive. As a voter, I don't want campaign propaganda. I want Congress (including Tea Party Congress members) to focus on the recession.
  2. J

    Distance Without Time: Possible?

    Perhaps a study of the theory of relativity and the implications of that theory may help.
  3. J

    Physics Starting physics late, negative impact on career?

    Don't let age discourage you. I knew a person who received his BSEE at the age of 62. A solid background in an unrelated field won't necessarilly hurt your chances for a job. The exact nature of the job will determine if your background is relevant or not.
  4. J

    Engineering Electrical engineering vs actuary

    I've worked as an electical engineer and have worked closely with electrical engineers (as a test engineer and software engineer) throughout my career. My area of work has been embedded systems. My observations are that the design phase does not generally require calculus nor any other advanced...
  5. J

    Engineering Decline in engineering/science jobs market? China outcompeting us?

    I think that concern over engineering jobs is appropriate. Some US companies have moved their engineering staff overseas. In addition, one might recall that a Presidential helicopter contract was given to an overseas corporation. Overseas competition for engineering jobs is increasing. That's a...
  6. J

    My Career was always in Chaos except now 2010 i am agile with Science

    Hi, I admire your tenacity. I have two questions. Are your seizures controllable via medication? Have you considered on-line courses?
  7. J

    Physics Problem + Solution Database

    An excellent site! Thanks for sharing.
  8. J

    Looking for good websites about physics

    I know you are looking for a web site. But here is a book that might satisfy your needs:
  9. J

    Master Vectors: Tips for Finding Relative Velocity & Adding/Subtracting Vectors

    Here is the URL for the book "div, grad, curl" on
  10. J

    Winter Fog: The Science Behind Earth's Loss of Warmth and the Formation of Fog

    Am I correct in stating that fog can form in an inversion layer where the warmer air is below the colder air? I think this is what happens with an occluded front.
  11. J

    Intersecting Planes: Visualizing & Explaining

    To visualize it, take two pieces on carboard. Make a slit in each piece than connect the two pieces via the slits. Each piece of carboard is a plane. The two planes meet at the slits. The intersection of the two planes is a straight line.
  12. J

    Requesting relationships to know for success in Physics

    Most important, you should understand each concept that is presented in Physics. Math is a tool used to teach the Sciences. But some professors will test you on your ability to understand what you have learned. For example: One of my Professors posed the following problem. "We know that an...
  13. J

    Why is there a lack of lightning during winter?

    Some of the most powerful storms we've had were pulling in tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico on one side while pulling down cold dry air from Canada on the other side. Regardless of the season, this is a recipe for thunderstorms. I often view the windcasts on the Internet. The winds are not...
  14. J

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    I can only relate to my observations having consulted with a mechanical engineer on several occasions. The mechanical technician does most of the hands-on testing. I don't know about the mechanical technologist. I know the engineer becomes involved when the technician reports a problem.
  15. J

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Communication skills is a requirement today. You may have to explain your design to a customer and listen to the customer's comments, questions and criticisms of your design. Writing is another required skill. I had to write my design documents and submit them to the customer. The...