Recent content by Jon B

  1. Jon B

    Engineering Circuit problem -- Finding potential

    I don't have a Wheatstone bridge. But if you put a short across R3 you can see that the upper R1 will provide the lion's share of current to the lower half of the circuit 1000 Ohm in parallel with 2000 Ohm and increase the voltage across the upper R1. What would be the best method to find the...
  2. Jon B

    What's the Difference Between Positive and Negative?

    So how do we know today what is negative and positive. Bottom line! Is negative an abundance of electrons and positive a depletion?
  3. Jon B

    What's the Difference Between Positive and Negative?

    Lightning was a good source but not controllable so observing electrostatic effects in the dark room or in a nightime lightning strike that "negated" its target must have been fascinating... But what can we tell the op about the difference? The cause of the distinction between them in...
  4. Jon B

    What's the Difference Between Positive and Negative?

    It seems like arbitrary labeling is based on the triboelectric charge and its behavior relative to objects around it. Imagine working with lightning instead of Amber. A powerful electron spark will leave a small pit on polished graphite if the graphite is positively charged with respect to the...
  5. Jon B

    Pulses, waves, train waves....

    Sounds good to me.
  6. Jon B

    What's the Difference Between Positive and Negative?

    It seems the source of electrons was determined and labeled Negative and home was labeled positive. As mentioned previously heating metal in a vacuum produces an electron cloud without anything being connected to it. Putting a piece of metal close to the cloud and connecting the hot plate to the...
  7. Jon B

    Pulses, waves, train waves....

    I was using the road for the reference instead of the axle.
  8. Jon B

    Pulses, waves, train waves....

    Right. It is undulating dc that looks identical to a sine wave. Like a mass in motion on a spring. The anchor is the zero reference and the sinus motion is above zero. Electronic magic.
  9. Jon B

    Pulses, waves, train waves....

    What is it when a continuous sinusoidal wave never crosses zero reference so that there is a train of pulses that doesn't produce upper harmonics like a square pulse does?
  10. Jon B

    What's the Difference Between Positive and Negative?

    It has too do with current in the circuit the resistor is found in. And the reference point for identifying the polarity is the power source. The end of the resistor that is connected to the negative terminal of the battery is negative when the other end is connected to the positive terminal of...
  11. Jon B

    Question about perception of color

    Look at a computer monitor with a powerful magnifier that has the image of the rainbow and a white screen. You will see the intensity of the colors of the pixels change as you look at the different colors of the rainbow. A white screen is produced when the three colors are at a certain...
  12. Jon B

    Engineering Circuit problem -- Finding potential

    Don't need calculations after working with Wheatstone Bridges selecting precision resistors and temperature cycling to select them for opposing temperature coefficients to use in pairs in devices that are used in variable temperature environments.
  13. Jon B

    Brightness of Light Bulbs in a Circuit

    It has everything to do with the Battery not being effected by changes in load. Its Voltage will remain relatively constant.
  14. Jon B

    Engineering Circuit problem -- Finding potential

    VA to VB will not be close to VC to VD... Discovering that is the purpose of this problem.
  15. Jon B

    Pulses, waves, train waves....

    I was thinking about a comment about sinusoidal wave shape not being a pulse.