Recent content by katewhitney

  1. K

    Partition Function in Thermal Physics: Overcounting States?

    Do you suppose you could explain how you arrived at the answer in the first place? Z = sum[exp(e/T)] so Z(1+2) = Z(1)Z(2) ... a double sum -- as in sum[ exp(e1/t) + exp(e2/t) ] = sum[exp(s1/t)*sum[sum[exp(s2/t)] ?? I understand the partition function idea - but I'm poor with sums :|
  2. K

    Gravit. rotational energy related to KE

    "Consider a system of just two particles, with identical masses, orbiting in circles about their center of mass. SHow that the gravitational potential energy of this system is -2 times the total kinetic energy. Homework Equations KE = 1/2 mv^2 U(potential) = -2U(kinetic) grav. potential =...