Recent content by krb17

  1. K

    What math related graduate programs should I apply to?

    Also, depending on which you're leaning towards, it might not make sense to apply to both Applied Math and TAM at Cornell - if you apply through Applied Math, you can "minor" in TAM (all applied math PhDs need a graduate minor in another field), and many of the faculty overlap, you could have...
  2. K

    What math related graduate programs should I apply to?

    I'm not sure about Atmospheric Science in particular, and I too am looking for what the less competitive programs might be, but here are some places that have "interdisciplinary applied math" type programs (which most of the ones you listed are) that pair a math department and a bunch of fields...
  3. K

    What is the relationship between the derivative and inverse function?

    nietschje, I think you're confusing yourself with what you're using y for. Forget what the function f takes as an argument for now--it's just the argument, and you can call its input whatever you want. When you find the inverse of a function, it's of the function--the arguments just provide a...
  4. K

    Observational astrophysics reference for math/physics major

    Hi all, I'm a math major with decent training in physics (through quantum and statmech), and I'd like to learn more about astrophysics. Not so much the theoretical cosmology kind of stuff, though, as how scientists take observational data and deduce things like "the mass of the galaxy" or how...
  5. K

    Geometry & Topology REU Programs - Williams, Cornell, Tennessee, Indiana?

    Anyone else not hear back from Duluth yet? I'm a bit confused, though assuming rejection.
  6. K

    Geometry & Topology REU Programs - Williams, Cornell, Tennessee, Indiana?

    zpconn, I'm in your position, too: haven't heard back from Duluth or SMALL, deciding on probable A&M offer. I want to know soon, either way! :-p
  7. K

    Introduction, a bit long and Advice

    madhatter, I'm just a second-year uni student who went straight from HS to uni, so anything I say is just a reaction to parts of your (inspiring!) story I identified with or had thoughts about. A bit of my own story--just where I'm coming from with this. I went to a good math/science high...